Forums / My journey / freedom


6 posts, 0 answered
  1. cec57
    cec57 avatar
    48 posts
    06 Nov 2018
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    its been two months since i quit. yay! i feel good about my quit i have had triggers and ingrain habits come up. i have been feeling really sluggish for a week and a half. mornings are brutal to wake up. however im sticking to my quit and going to see my doctor. hope you all have a good weekend
  2. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    Congratulations, cec57, on being two months smoke-free! That's amazing!
    And way to go on getting through those tricky cravings and urges to smoke - they are no fun, but they are normal and a regular part of the quit process.
    What do you find helps get you through the mornings? The reason I ask is because many people find mornings to be challenging, and any feedback to share is great!
    Take it day by day and know we are here for you!
  3. cec57
    cec57 avatar
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    hi sarah
    yes morning s can be tricky. i found that by reading spiritual readings and praying has helped me a great deal. also lots of cold water just taking one minute at a time . going out to my balcony doing deep breathing out in the cold and healthful mediatation is my keys to help me through mornings
    .have a great one
  4. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    Good morning cec57 - thank you so much for your response.
    You've provided the community with some really great strategies to get through morning cravings.
    Your suggestions are so helpful, and sound like they come from a wholistic approach: addressing your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. 
    We are thrilled you are finding ways to manage the urge to smoke, and getting through it one day at a time!
    Way to go, cec57!
    Have a great day ahead
  5. atp
    atp avatar
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    Congrats on 2 months!!!! That is a huge accomplishment and I'm so proud of you for sticking it out. 

    Isn't going out and taking a nice deep breath of fresh air so good? 

    The physical addition is over, now you just need to fight it out with your brain to get it to understand that you don't smoke anymore. Those habit things are sneaky and take time to break. Just remember how much effort it took to get to 2 months and how valuable your quit is now and NOPE!!!!

  6. cec57
    cec57 avatar
    48 posts
    06 Nov 2018
    11 Mar 2020
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    thanks alp and sarah

    it does feel good to deep breath and yes i have had a few sneak attacks. had to remind myself i dont smoke anymore and relax. go with the wave. iv run into a snag though i had to stop using a medication for sleep and now im having trouble with less sleep so its been hard the last couple of days. didnt sleep last night hope to get some rest today.
6 posts, 0 answered