Forums / My journey / Goals


6 posts, 0 answered
  1. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
    216 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    05 Sep 2018
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    September is often a time when we aim to start anew. It can bring about some self- reflection and determination for change. Some people do this in January but for a lot of us September feels like the better time.

    I have a question then for you to consider. Think about next September, September 2019. What do you want to be like at that time? What do you see for yourself or where do you see yourself?

    Being aware of our goals can be the first step to help us achieve them.


  2. susanyw
    susanyw avatar
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    06 Sep 2018 in reply to lillian, quit coach
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    Thank you Lillian, a nice reminder and definitely good to consider a year in advance.
    I have just passed the 3 months mark and hope to look back in 1 year with more resolve.

  3. lorif
    lorif avatar
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    hopefully celebrating not smoking for a year. I quit on Monday. Hopefully feeling alot healthier by then and feeling overall better about myself
  4. susanyw
    susanyw avatar
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    Good Luck lorif. one day at a time
  5. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi Lillian,

    Thank you for this interesting thread. I actually have a five year plan with shorter term goals heading towards it. A year from now, I hope to be enjoying a healthy smoke free lifestyle enjoying the company of my non-smoking friends and family. Each day I meditate, exercise and pay attention to what I am eating as a way of achieving this.

    Congratulations Lorif on another smoke free day. You can do it!

  6. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    28 Nov 2017
    06 Sep 2018
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    Hi Lillian

    As I go, I think in today to say no! and tomorrow too, next year I will check it, but I am sure to be Free! is too far!

    One day at the time!

    Live today, tomorrow did not come yet! The way is Smoke Free!

6 posts, 0 answered