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I'm in week 3!!

8 posts, 0 answered
  1. susie1951
    susie1951 avatar
    1 posts
    29 Nov 2018
    06 Dec 2018
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    I quit on November 21st.  Too sick to get out of bed for 4 days and light a cigarette.  After that, I decided to just keep on going.  Broke 5 cigarettes in little pieces and tossed them and then sold 4 packages on Facebook for $10.00 each.  They went fast and were out of my house.  Using Nicorette to keep me going and lots of water to drink.  This is "I quit" number 3.  Once for 8 months and once for 2 years.  It's easy to fall off the tobacco wagon so I'm going to be tougher this time.
  2. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    06 Dec 2018
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    Hi Susie,

    Way to go, 3 weeks is awesome.  And kudos to parting ways with your remaining cigarettes.  Seriously, selling them on Facebook?  Never heard that one before, but love it all the same.  You mention 2 previous lengthy quits - so you obviously know what you're doing and what didn't work.  And as they say, "third time is a charm".

    Wishing you all the best in the hours, days, weeks, months ahead.  Keep us in the loop.

    Last modified on 06 Dec 2018 15:10 by efreeman75
  3. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi Susie1951,

    I am sorry to hear that you were so sick, but it's great that you were able to turn a negative into such a positive.  Way to go, and congrats for your 3 weeks smoke free.  Keep going, Susie.  Not One Puff Ever.
  4. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    07 Dec 2018
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    Hi susie1951,

    Congratulations on your success! Nice to hear that you have learned from your experience and will be tougher as a result. An example of that toughness is breaking those cigarettes into little pieces. Like efreeman75 says, you know what you're doing!

    I hope that you're feeling better but glad that you were sick -- as treepeo says, you made the most of the opportunity. As time goes by, it can help to notice all the ways that you're feeling better now that you're no longer smoking.

  5. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    07 Dec 2018 in reply to susie1951
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    good job Susie!!  Never give up your quits.   This also is my third attempt.  frist two lasting 1 year each.  current attempt is well into 2+year now. :)  we can do this.
  6. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Way To Go Susie1951!

    That's an extra $40 in your Christmas stocking, a great way to start a quit. You are on the right track with the NRT and water. Finds lots of things for distractions. Keeping busy keeps smoking out of mind. Enjoy some walks in the fresh air and get some exercise.

    Wishing you every success.

  7. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Sussie

    Congrats in 3 weeks smoke free!

    You passed the worse! The road is free for you, enjoy, regard your self for a wonderful job! Listen to your Lungs, saying Thank you!  3 weeks will be 3 years very soon! You can do it!
  8. shazzan
    shazzan avatar
    140 posts
    06 Nov 2018
    09 Dec 2018
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    Nice Job Susie

    Congrats on three weeks being smoke -free. Its a wonderful feeling. I too quit without thought and so happy I did. I still have 6 cartons of cigarettes in my drawer to sell and hubby won't use them because he quit too! 

    I am thinking of retiring early now, as a lot of expense is eliminated and I can sit through games of cards, bingo, theater etc without worrying when can i get a smoke! It's so nice to be in charge!
8 posts, 0 answered