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My journey

6 posts, 0 answered
  1. spaghetti (formerly valleyman
    spaghetti (formerly valleyman avatar
    6 posts
    08 Dec 2021
    21 Jun 2022
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    Hello all,
    Today June 21st/2008 marks 14 years since I quit smoking for good.. the journey at the beginning was difficult, I would say the worst was the first 6 months then it was just mind over matter. This is what worked for me. You have found what works for you. Just take one day at a time use all the tools available to you and most of all rely on this community and you will get through it 
    spaghetti Don
  2. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
    379 posts
    09 Dec 2021
    21 Jun 2022
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    Congratulations on 14 years. That's wonderful. I hope to get there one day. Agree about this community here. Its great to have the support and not feeling so alone in the journey.
  3. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
    255 posts
    06 Feb 2020
    21 Jun 2022 in reply to spaghetti (formerly valleyman
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    Wow spaghetti don, congrats on your 14 years smoke free!  That is awesome!  You are an inspiration to us all!
  4. spaghetti (formerly valleyman
    spaghetti (formerly valleyman avatar
    6 posts
    08 Dec 2021
    21 Jun 2022 in reply to dublinguy
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    Thanks dublinguy. You’ll get there you’ll see. 
  5. spaghetti (formerly valleyman
    spaghetti (formerly valleyman avatar
    6 posts
    08 Dec 2021
    21 Jun 2022 in reply to treepeo1
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    Thanks treepeo. Means a lot 
  6. wandam
    wandam avatar
    241 posts
    05 Feb 2019
    23 Jun 2022
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    Congratulations on celebrating 14 years of being smoke free! You truly are an inspiration! Keep up the great job of rocking your quit!
6 posts, 0 answered