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My Journey

147 posts, 0 answered
  1. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    Hi friends,

    I will be 5 years smoke free in one month. :) we can do this.
  2. wandam
    wandam avatar
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    Wow jeyan 5 years, that is awesome! Keep rocking your quit!
    Last modified on 13 Sep 2021 14:03 by wandam
  3. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    WooHoo Jeyan, you rock!
  4. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    Hi Friends,

    I am now officially 5 years smoke free. :) Yey.  This can be done. Just keep up your quit.  Don't forget slips are normal part of your quit, you just need to keep learning how to quit by getting back to your quit every time your fail and relapse.
    Last modified on 12 Oct 2021 09:04 by jeyan
  5. wimporswim
    wimporswim avatar
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    5 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Let the bells ring out and the banners fly!
    Way to go Jeyan!  Congratulations!  I will be joining you in the club on Jan. 3rd.
  6. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    That's awesome, Jeyan!  Way to go!
  7. wandam
    wandam avatar
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    Hi jeyan, 

    Wow you are doing fantastic, huge congratulations on your 5 years! You & I share the same quit date, I just celebrated 1 year. Keep rocking your quit jeyan! Take care!
  8. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    Happy 5th anniversary, jeyan, and a happy 1st anniversary to you, wandam!!
    So much to celebrate in this community.
    Congrats to you all!
  9. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    What a truely inspiring thread. Im into my second month of my latest quit and seeing a thread like this just hammers home the knowledge that it is possible... just use NOPE Not One Puff Ever. Hopefully Ill still be around in 5 years shouting from the roof tops that Im 5 years quit with NOPE.
  10. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    Hi Friends. I am now 5.5 years smoke free. :) Key is never another puff ever again.  Don't forge quitting smoking also requires change of your habits which trigger your cravings.  Most importantly do not worry if you relapse.  Every time you can skip a smoke, you are winning the battle. Trust me if you keep quitting, you will be successful in your quit. Just keep reminding yourself that you hate this nasty habit and you need to quit, and it will make you quit one day.   Trust me, Life is better without cigarettes.  We can't hide behind our cigarettes to avoid life's curveballs. It will only make it worse and make us a life long slave of worries, and it will make us worry about nothing to make you have a smoke to quench it's thirst for nicotine.
  11. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Congratulations on your 5.5 years. That's incredible. Big reward is needed. Well done.
  12. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    yey... I am 3 months away from 6 years of not another puff ever.   We can do this!!!
  13. optimist
    optimist avatar
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    Congratulations Jeyan  and thank you for sharing your inspiring story with us.  You prove that it can be done.  I recently came across the following quote: "Those who climb Scotland's Ben Nevis do not complain of their labor once they see the view from the top!"  You have obviously reached the top, and I really hope you are loving the view, because you deserve it!
  14. jb63
    jb63 avatar
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    congrats. That is a great accomplishment 
  15. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    Hi guys I will be 6 years smoke free in three weeks.
    Last modified on 06 Feb 2023 11:45 by jeyan
  16. jb63
    jb63 avatar
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    Jeyan congrats on 6 years. That is an amazing accomplishment. Running a half marathon is a great way to celebrate. You are a real inspiration to others
  17. atp
    atp avatar
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    6 YEARS!!! That is truly amazing. I bet you can do the next 6 standing on your head.
  18. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    Thank you guys. 
    Last modified on 06 Feb 2023 11:46 by jeyan
  19. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    Hi Friends I am 6 years smoke free this weekend.  I am running half marathon to celebrate.  We can do this!! Believe in yourself, and allow your self to fail, be persistent in your quit. Your will will win one day!
    Last modified on 14 Oct 2022 16:14 by jeyan
  20. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    Hi Friends, I am still smoke free
  21. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Well done you Jeyan. 6 years is amazing... you've done it! Big reward is due for sure.
    Im still in the very early stages but seeing what you have achieved really lets me see that this battle can be won and its worth the effort.
  22. jb63
    jb63 avatar
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    Congrats 🥳 
  23. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    Friends, I just completed my 7 years of smoke free. not even a single puff.
  24. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Jeyan,

    Huge congratulations on 7 years! What a great milestone to reach. 

    Any advice that you might offer to those who are thinking about quitting or just getting started?

  25. Fisher Guy
    Fisher Guy avatar
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    Hi Jeyan.  Congratulations on 7 years. So nice to hear all the good news  Be proud and happy. 
  26. jb63
    jb63 avatar
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    Congratulations on 7 years. That is an amazing accomplishment.😀
  27. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    my advice to everyone just getting started on the quit is, be prepared for relapses.  Relapses are part of every quit, as you're relearning good habits. I started the journey 10 years ago, and it took me three years to completely figure this out. The key is NOPE(never another puff ever).  Never be ashamed of relapses, and accept that it's part of the your quit journey, and get back on your quit next day.  Don't forget there is nothing as bad as smoking, and smoking cannot be the solution to your worries, rather it just turns you into an addict and the addiction would magnify your worries to quench it's nicotine addiction.  This site is a very good reminder to every one as why you wanted to quit in the first place. Why is NOPE key to quitting for life?  Once you're addicted to nicotine that memory will stay in your brain forever, and you can only suppress it at the bottom of your brain and and as time goes by your smoking memory is stored in the back up memories and your cravings are suppressed and subdue.  However, once you have that one cigarettes' again all of these memories will be restored to your front of the brain and you will be back buying a pack the next day.  This is why you need to never smoke another puff. Also, you're having trouble controlling your cravings, go for a long walk, drink water, take baths, watch a movie, eat any food you really like. :)
147 posts, 0 answered