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Ocean's journey

150 posts, 1 answered
  1. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    Hi again everyone,
    Just an update, I have the snottiest sinus' going and it's been just over 7 days of it now.  I didn't go to my walk to quit group yesterday and won't again today.  My head feels like I'm stoned, on some kind of drug, but it's just the constantly full sinus' and ear popping crap.  So I have my bike, and got a fitbit heart tracker for my brthday (from me!), but my days have not been routine since due to my cold.  Today is day 101, I quit on January 15th.  No Patches, just the nicotine gum a couple of times a day.

    I'm replacing my tri weekly chocolate habit and only having it one day a week now to prevent weight gain.  I've gained enough.  I bought a scale, and my weight has been fluctauting by 5 pounds daily, ???.  So maybe I haven't gained 19 pounds, but have gained 13 pounds?  At my age I doubt I'll lose the weight, but now I'm minding it, and make myself get up and move more.  It all helps.

    Who knew that quitting smoking is leading to more positive health changes.  It all felt so overwhelming when I was a smoker.  So just this new way of being has been so positive overall.  Like I said, constant baby steps is my M.O.  I'm glad I didn't try and do it all in my first month, because I porbably would have failed at one of these things, by trying to change too much too fast.  But it's these gradual shifts instead, which feel more organic and long lasting.

    And my last slip was impulsive, but I didn't let it progress, and I don't feel the worse for wear because I have that nonsmoking lifestye/habit now.  Still, I can't let my guard down everytime I have an impulse.  Those happy, exciting moments were also hard when I gave up my wine and beer, and I succeeded in that.despite a few slips during the first 5 months.  So I think my addiction to cigarettes is very much like it was to alcohol.  Definately the Spring lifestyle can be a trigger time for me.

    I was musing if I'm going through NRT withdrawl as I battle this cold.  Th lethargy and flatness I feel with this cold is just like it was on day 5 or 6.  I feel I could nap all day.  I seem to crash every 4 hours, just totally energy depleted.

    I'm so very happy and pleased that I'm still kicking this addiction and that it isn't so hard anymore.  I just want to tell everyone in my shoes to persevere and continue through those first few months and don't give up so easily if you have a slip.  Forgive, forget and move on!

    Good luck to you all, my brave warriors, we are doing it!!  Yay!
  2. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Ocean,

    Happy belated birthday and congrats on 101 days smoke free!!! What an accomplishment!

    I know weight gain can be a concern for many, but you are do so much to help yourself get healthy. Not only have you quit smoking and are no longer drinking alcohol. You've also joined walk/run to quit and you're getting out on your bike.

    Sorry to hear that you're not feeling well right now. Wishing you get better soon.

  3. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Ocean

    First of all Big congrats in 101 smoke free day's.

    No dub that you will be feeling so much better with all those changes.enjoy smoke free life and feel better!

    Congrats again, you can do this!
  4. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    May 21st

    A recap of the last month (my 4th).  I've been good and busy and exercising a lot now that the warm weather is here; however, I've started smoking somewhat regularily again!  It was about once a week, usually a Friday after work.  And slowly it crept up more frequntly, ah darn!!  I started having more frequent cravings probably because I was smoking again, and would give in without much of a battle lately.  I'm recomitting to my quit, because I don't ever want to become a regular smoker again!  It's so easy to let my guard down.  So onto health, heart health again.  I'll be reading all of your posts over the next few days to get some inspiration and commitment again.  The good news is that I never started smoking before or during work, but with summer coming and being off for July and August, I will work to prevent it.
  5. jennifer, quit coach
    jennifer, quit coach avatar
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    Good Evening ocean,

    So glad you've come by with an update - and that you are recommitting to your quit!

    Really love how you've said that " I don't ever want to become a regular smoker again!", getting a hold of your quit and keeping your guard up will surely help you prevent this!

    Hope you are having a great weekend and hope to see you posting soon!

  6. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    Hahaha Jennifer,
    I was still chewing an nrt gum in the morning and lunch breaks!  And I'm stocked up for tomorrow when I recommit as the last 6 days I've smoked more since school let out about a week ago.  Wish me luck, I know the drill and I'll just do my best and practice my strategies to cope with the urges and cravings.
  7. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi Ocean,

    Wow, your journey has been full of ups and downs, eh?  It can take so long to figure out how to quit and how to stay quit.  But I think we'll all get there eventually.

    I love the fact that you are so determined, Ocean.  Keep on fighting.  You can do this, you really can.  Remember, one step at a time, and Not One Puff Ever!
  8. danielhunter
    danielhunter avatar
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    Hi Ocean! How difficult it is. You must have the incredible willpower to keep yourself in your hands! You are so good, I admire you. Keep up the excellent work.  By the way, I know that because of studying, people often start to smoke. It's still a lot of stress, I felt it on myself. Every time we were asked to write an essay began to smoke a lot. Here is an excellent site that will help you with writing essays, thanks to them I began to smoke much less, to be honest.
    Last modified on 30 Jul 2018 05:28 by danielhunter
  9. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    Hi everyone,I'm getting ready for my back to school quit.  This summer I've gone 2 or 3 days without smoking in a row, several times.  But I just returned to work where I can't smoke because people don't like the smell and I only get short breaks so I can't get out to smoke.  I lost some of the weight I'd gained, but I'm  still 5 pounds up where my clothes fit a little snug.  Once I'm running around again, I hope to lose it.  I'm sure I can do it again, but I'm nervous of those after work craves as I adjust to down-time.  And I'm starting a new school so I have a little extra stress until I know what's what.  I'll use the gum, and spray if needed as I can't afford the Patch.  September always feels like a New Year, remnants from childhood, and being a teacher!  I hope everyone is still plugging away, so great to see some of last year's quitters doing so strong!
  10. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi Ocean,

    It is good to hear from you again and way to go with your continuing determination! The more you try, the more chances you have of success. I know from experience myself. I don't doubt your work will distract you well from thoughts of cigs. Your plan to use gum and spray as needed is a sound one to get over cravings. It seems weight gain goes with the territory. I recently replaced the fatty snacks with a wide variety of fruits. I am spending more time in the produce section of the supermarket than I ever did before. I find grapes, oranges, etc. cut up in various flavors of jello is tasty.

    All the best with your progress!


  11. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    Ocean - have you noticed how the fresh produce (healthy items) are always first when you go the grocery store?  GO SHOPPING EVERY DAY!!!!! or at least every other day.  Even better, ride your bike to the store.  Fresh and healthy eating leads to fresh and healthy living!  Commit to this quit!
  12. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi Ocean,

    I am so glad to hear that you are still fighting.  Good for you!  Just keep plugging away. If you can stop smoking for 3 days in a row, you can do it for 4 days, and 5 days, and so on.  Work will be a great distraction.  As for down time, try to keep yourself busy.  And if you're too tired to go out, then lose yourself in a good book, do some crafts, or play on your computer.  Distraction is really helpful.

    I believe in you, Ocean.  You can do this!
  13. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Ocean

    I know you will be find, trust in your self! and stay on the quit!

    You can do this!

    Happy New September! Smoke Free!
  14. jennifer, quit coach
    jennifer, quit coach avatar
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    Good Morning ocean,

    Hope you are having a great Labour Day! 

    Love the sound of your back-to-school quit - you are so right when you say that September always feels a bit like the New Year, it's such a great time to quit!

    It sounds as though you've given a lot of thought into your own personal triggers, challenges and possible obstacles - that kind of planning to such a boost to a good quit plan, your insights will help to prevent those slip-ups! 

    Hope you'll come by and let us know how you are doing!
  15. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    I logged in this morning as quitting is always on my mind, but not acted upon.  I read here every couple of months and get so excited for you guys.  I have never stopped using the nicorette gum and I smoke too.  I chew when I can't smoke, and smoke when I can.  It's a double load,  So I think I'm going to buy the Patch, and chew only when the craving is intense.  I have to get off the smokes.  And then work on the nicotine and withdrawal.  I feel the smoke in the fall, stuffy nose, stuffy chest.  Time to deep clean again.  I'm going to the store NOW to buy the Patches, no more putting it off and feeling constant guilt.  I want to breath, deep fresh full breaths!
  16. linda, quit coach
    linda, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Ocean,

    We are so happy to hear from you again and your commitment and determination to quit is so great! Way to go with your continuing persistence! People often said that persistence is the key to success. If you keep trying and don’t lose sight of your goal, you will surely reach your goal someday and become smoke-free. With this great plan and tools, you can do this!

    Wishing you all the best and keep going strong ocean!
  17. turningpoint
    turningpoint avatar
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    I empathize with you, Ocean.  I've had many starts and stops, and still have not succeeded in quitting smoking.  Today I started back on the patch because I know that smoking is the wrong thing to do.  I'm just going to keep trying.  Even if I die trying, I believe it matters a lot to never give up.
  18. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi everyone

    Be proud of your self, do not see what you are suffering trying to quit, see what you are wining  the freedom of Smoking!

    See how much money you save!
    See how well you smell
    See how different you are, more energy!
    See how well you brief! pay attention to it! Hear your chest!
    See life as Non Smoker!
    Trust me it really gets netter everyday!

    One day at the time! you can do this!
    Last modified on 28 Oct 2018 07:25 by brieffree
  19. turningpoint
    turningpoint avatar
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    Good advice: "do not see what you are suffering, see what you are winning".  I'll take that advice.
  20. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    Thanks guys!  I really did go and buy a box of Patches yesterday.  It's the kind of weather to not smoke in.  Patches on, weekend activities done!  I really like that quote too, Briefree!  And Turning Point, all we can do is not quit quitting, right?  At least I didn't smoke 6 out of the last 12 months and that's better than last year.  Don't you find that once you try to quit the guilt you feel during a relapse never really leaves?  Let's not let the shame stress us, shame is useless.  I had 5 cigarettes today, down from 25.
  21. turningpoint
    turningpoint avatar
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    Ocean, congratulations on the great progress you made over the past 12 months!  Best of luck with this quit - we'll get there!
  22. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Ocean!

    I'm glad that you're taking action on this. Good going!

    You have so much to look forward to by quitting. I was reading through this thread today and it's clear that you've gained a good deal of expertise. Good also to emphasize the positive: not smoking 6 out of the past 12 months is a huge positive!
  23. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    I'm just checking in again as I didn't make it very long 2 months ago.  I have hoarded supplies(NRT) and another week off, so I'm going to do the January 1st quit, basically one day left to smoke.  I can nap and read, but I really need to clean, lol!  I'm feeling positive, I can only do my best.  No expectations, just hour by hour kind of coping - or, day by day coping.  I don't want to gain the 17 pounds I did last time though, that hurt because the gain was so fast (I've since lost it by resuming smoking). Too bad because sucking on chocolates coated my tongue and throat so I enjoyed that sensory sensation.  I'll do Mall Walking to get those endorphins up when I'm on my days off.  Take care, so long, and see you soon.
  24. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi ocean,

    Welcome back.  It's good that you are going to quit again.  Great way to start the New Year.

    December 29th was my two year anniversary.  I always take two weeks off at Christmas, and my goal back then was to go back to work as a non-smoker.  And that is what I did.  I will admit that I have gained a lot of weight.  Part of that was my quit, but there are other factors as well.  I thought I would deal with it way back when, but I didn't.  Now, that is going to be my new goal.  In fact, I just bought a fitbit to help me along.  But no matter what, ocean, I would much rather be overweight than a smoker.  Becoming a non-smoker has changed my life in so many positive ways.

    I hope that you can enjoy your week off, even though you have to clean - LOL.  I have to do that, too!  Use your NRTs, take it one step at a time, and have a great, smoke free New Year!

  25. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    Thanks Treepeo!  I'm having my morning coffee and reading here to keep it all in the forefront of my mind.  Ah, the weight gain?  Maybe if it was slower I could deal with it!  But yes, the added weight is much better than the toxins from cigarettes, there's no way around that.  I ate chocolate so much, and yogurt with nuts.  I think it was anything that coated my mouth, it just made it difficult to want a cigarette but gave me so much satisfaction.  Ah well, just glad I'm not smoking right now, small mercies, you know?  And a big WHOOP to you Treepeo, you were so addicted once, and here you are, still smokefree after 2 years.  I know how hard you worked it, and I'm willing to go that distance too.  I had that anxiety yesterday, the first day smokefree, it's somewhere between excitement and fear.  I know it dissipates within the first week, so it doesn't feel as weird knowing that it happens.  
  26. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    September 14, 2019

    Oh my gosh,
    I just re-read this entire thread!!  It's really long!  And it's September again, but a couple of years have passed.  I've set my quit date for 2 weeks from now.  I just put on a Patch, weaning down, and I've bought a little habit tracker notepad, to check every morning before work to remind me to start this new habit of putting on a Patch as well.  I've lost 25 pounds, am mending a broken ankle that broke because of excess scar tissue and calcification, on a waiting list for surgery but receiving physio, and I'm back to a new school year with another quit in sight because "Hey, New Year, New Quit".  I'm reading a new book about unhealthy habits and being mindful (read "vigilant").  I have conquered alcohol abuse that grew gradually, lost the weight, and now it's my last great challenge - to quit smoking!!!!  I'm 58, kids have just moved off to college, and it's ME time!!!  And welcome to my world!
  27. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    OMG, it's 3am and I've just been reading back through a lot of old posts here.  I'm on Day 9 or 10 again.  I ended up losing 40 pounds, but gained 20 back after the long quarentine.  I'm determined to not smoke.  I feel I've got several days consistently under my belt here, so onward and upward.  I don't know how I feel after reading this long, long post - scared, sad, persistent?
  28. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    Going through your older posts is certainly making you reflect on your quit journey. Congrats on your most recent quit attempt! I am sure we all can agree that mixed emotions comes with the territory.

    Jenna Lee
  29. wandam
    wandam avatar
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    Hi Ocean, 

    Love your determination in pushing forward! You are an inspiration for me as I work on my fourth quit? How are you coming along with your quit? On your last post you were at 9/10 days.
    Last modified on 23 Jan 2021 19:29 by wandam
  30. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Hi Ocean,

    Im on day 3 here and have read your entire journey thread. Its so inspiring and the little stumbles you had have really taught me a lesson to batter down the hatches and hold firm and battle the cravings as they come one at a time. Doing my best to hold on to this quit. Havent seriously tried to stop smoking in nearly 3 years so this will be a battle. Im tired of being broke from them and standing out in the cold to smoke any chance I get. Recently started a job so Im marking this quit as a new page/chapter in my life to fit in with the new job role.
    So far so good. The cravings have been testing me for sure but I use the patch and the nicorette spray that help quench the urge. But its so easy to fall into the traps.

    I see you havent posted in a while and hope you managed to quit permanently and just didnt need this forum anymore. Would love to hear how you are doing.
150 posts, 1 answered