Forums / My journey / One Year Anniversary

One Year Anniversary

13 posts, 0 answered
  1. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi Everyone,

    I just wanted to say that today is my one year anniversary.  Yippee - I made it to the top of the mountain!

    I have to say, the first month was really rough.  My cravings were sometimes off the chart, and dealing with them was a real test of my commitment to quit.  But I persevered, and once that first month was done, things really changed for the better.  Other than the challenges I faced from inhaling other people's pot smoke on the street (which set off intense cravings for me), I found the rest of the time was fairly easy to manage.  And now it has been a full year smoke free!

    Quitting was the best thing I could have ever done for myself.  My breathing is so much better.  No more huffing and puffing doing a flight of stairs.  No more worrying whether I have smoke breath, or stressing about when and where I can have my next smoke.  I have truly changed my life, and the freedom of being a non-smoker is something I hope I never take for granted.  It is really amazing!  I would have smoked over 9,000 cigarettes.  I have gained 91 days of life, and I gained over 760 hours back that I would have spent smoking!  Too cool, eh? 

    I want to thank all of you for your constant help and support.  I would not have made it this far without you.  And a special shout out to my personal quit buddy, wimporswim.  You are not far behind me, my friend!  Make sure you post on your anniversary, because I want to celebrate with you!
  2. turningpoint
    turningpoint avatar
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    Hi treepeo,

    First, a big congratulations on having quit for one year!  If that isn't cause to celebrate, I don't know what is.  I cannot imagine at this point how good that must feel.  Best wishes as you head into year 2 as a non-smoker.  Hope you will keep posting to inspire the rest of us.

    Second, you made a couple of points that particularly struck me.  You said in your first month that your commitment to quitting was challenged.  I have been thinking about being committed to not smoking recently, and I think it's essential.  I don't think it' enough just to really want to quit, I think you also have to be committed to it.

    You also said that you never wanted to take being a non-smoker for granted.  I'm not that far along yet, but your statement rings true.

    Happy Non-Smoking New Year!
  3. clepage
    clepage avatar
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    Congratulations Treepeo!

    A year is a long time not to smoke, although in some ways it’s just a beginning.  I wish you a long, healthy and rewarding future.
  4. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    Congratulations on one year, Treepeo!!  Are you doing the happy dance yet???  I sure hope so, because one year is hundreds of battles, cravings, doubts, burn outs, hours if not days spent here on SHO, boredom, killing endless minutes, planning, changes, discomfort, pain, joy, confidence,freedom, pleasure, pride, loyalty, "I can't beleive I'm doing it!", new friends, confidants, self love, working it, happiness, peace, serenity, strength, coping, rewards, breathing, hanging on, purpose, drive, celebration, health, positivity, and sharing!!  Phewf, I'm outta breath :)

    You're also very genuine.  I love your authenticity and I'm so proud of you!

    Now hang on for new goals in year two, let her rip!

    Love ya girl,

  5. wimporswim
    wimporswim avatar
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    Treepeo - You are AWESOME!  Hard to believe we've made it this far.  Congratulations and thank you for always being there (here?) for me.  I am very lucky to have had you with me on this journey and your contributions to this site is deserving of some sort of award.  And the award for NON SMOKER of the year goes to..........................TREEPEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm so very proud of you!  Next up............Year 2!
  6. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi my Friends,

    Thanks so much for celebrating with me and sharing my joy of being a non-smoker for a full year.  This is truly a dream come true, and I could not be happier!

    To all of you, no matter what stage you are at, believe me when I say that it is possible to quit smoking.  My Mom smoked through her pregnancy with me so I was probably born either addicted or prone to addiction, most of my family smoked in our house (11 out of 13 people), and I smoked regularly for at least 43 years (truth be told, probably longer, but I am ashamed to admit it).  And still, I managed to quit.  So trust me, if I can do it, so can you.

    I wish you all a very happy, healthy, smoke free 2018.  Happy New Year!  KEEP THE QUIT!!!
  7. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Treepeo

    Big Congrats in your year smoke free, you made it. Now you know how to keep the quit! Been focus, and Confident in our self!

    Again Congrats
    Feel proud of reach that Milestone!
  8. havefaith
    havefaith avatar
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    Oh my goodness Treepo!!!  You are amazing!! All of your hard work has paid off!!! 

    Congrats to wimporswim as well!!!  One year as well!!!  You as well have worked hard and it has paid off!!!

    I also am still on my quit!!!  I haven't been on in quite a while, as I couldn't log in with the new webpage, and I actually had to look back on my calendar to see what my day 1 was, and wow, tomorrow will be 1 year smoke free.  It hasn't been the easiest road to take, but it is so worth it!!!  I have gained about 20-25 pounds (ouch) but I still remain smoke free!!!

    Keep pushing forward my fellow friends, we've got this!!!!
  9. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
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    Happy 1st Anniversary Treepeo!  You certainly have made it to the top.  

    Wonderful words by your peers.  Wonderful to hear of how your perseverance has brought you here to this very moment of bliss!  

    Thank you for sharing all your success and the trials- the good with the bad gives you the ultimate outcome.  The benefits you have- so happy for you!  

    Looking forward to hearing more and more of your journey.  

  10. Mud Man
    Mud Man avatar
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    "Congratulations On Your 1 Year My Friend"  (Keep up the great work)

    Mud 😎
  11. missy05
    missy05 avatar
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    I am so proud of you for making it to one year. I understand the challenges that come with making life changes. Making it to one year is truly amazing. I hope to be saying the same thing in 2019!
  12. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    Congrats Treepeo!! I just noticed this thread, what an accomplishment. 
  13. lithan44
    lithan44 avatar
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    Hi Treepeo!  I am SO late to this party but I wanted to say a belated congratulations on reaching your one-year anniversary!  WOW!  I remember you from the beginning of your journey and look at you now, my friend.  I am so absolutely proud of you and this accomplishment!  You are an inspiration to us all.  :-) 
13 posts, 0 answered