Forums / My journey / Quit


8 posts, 0 answered
  1. Decided
    Decided avatar
    78 posts
    01 Dec 2017
    05 Dec 2018
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    today is day 300 of my quit smoking journey
    today is day 1 of my quit Nicorettes .   this is a hard day
    i reset my quit tracker from tobacco. And today is 20 minutes long so far
    One habit at a time
    thanks everyone for the support I received when I initially quit cigarettes

  2. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi D

    Good for you! You can do it!
  3. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    Hello Decided - firstly, a HUGE congrats on being 300 days tobacco-free...that's an amazing accomplishment.
    And as you step off NRT, remember that you have achieved so much in the journey, and that you have the backing and support of the community, as well as the rich knowledge you have gathered over the past 300 days as to what does & does not work for you.
    Decided, we are here for you, and keep taking it one day at a time.
    All the best,

  4. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    300 days is amazing.  Way to go.

    Keep up the positive thoughts as you leave the NRT behind.  By now you've learned many techniques to stay smoke-free.  I'm sure those same techniques will be effective on the NRT.

  5. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hip Hip Hooray Decided!  300 days.  You should be so proud of yourself!  Keep up the good work.  You are truly kicking butt.
  6. Decided
    Decided avatar
    78 posts
    01 Dec 2017
    06 Dec 2018 in reply to brieffree
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    Thnx for your support
    I have made two days
    getting stronger
  7. Decided
    Decided avatar
    78 posts
    01 Dec 2017
    06 Dec 2018 in reply to treepeo
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    Hey treepeo
    you have been there since the beginning and today on day 2 I am thanking you
  8. shazzan
    shazzan avatar
    140 posts
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    Yay Decided. You are almost totally free, Giving up the gum should be easier now that the mind is trained to do other things and you have lived as a non-smoker for 300 days!   Congrats again  and keep up the good work. Remember to think positive when any cravings occur... tell it you are in charge and Happy to finally be a Happy Non-Smoker!
8 posts, 0 answered