Forums / My journey / Quit again jan 2020

Quit again jan 2020

3 posts, 0 answered
  1. rainbow 82
    rainbow 82 avatar
    1 posts
    28 Jan 2020
    28 Jan 2020
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    I tried to quit several times in 2019. I tried again dec for 3 wks and tripped up during holidays and tried again jan 5. This next next month feels already harder then jan and it has not started yet. 

  2. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
    227 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    28 Jan 2020 in reply to rainbow 82
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    Hello rainbow 82
    Firstly, congrats on getting back to quitting! No matter how many attempts you make at going smoke-free, it is always a learning opportunity. What is driving your decision to quit? You are highly motivated, willing to dust yourself off & try again, because this is important to you. We are supporting you and will be here if you need to talk, even and especially on the hard days.
    Take care, and take it

  3. cec57
    cec57 avatar
    48 posts
    06 Nov 2018
    29 Jan 2020
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    hi rainbow 82
    way to go on another were able to do three weeks  before that is alot of work. think back and look at what you had to do to get that 3 weeks and what happened that made you pick up. i understand the battle of quitting and slipping. when smoking i always think about quitting and when i quit i battle with thinking about smoking . so i found remmbering what my reasons are for quitting helps me to stay determined not to go back to smoking..were all different its to find what works for you  however pat yourself on the back for trying again.have you heard the saying dont quit, quitting. that is for your advantage to learn  what works for you and what doesnt. i find  reading post here helps me to get ideas so i can find  different ways to maintain my quit . also remember your not alone.there is alot of support here .
    hope all goes well
3 posts, 0 answered