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Quitting Paying off

8 posts, 0 answered
  1. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
    1478 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    22 Dec 2017
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    Hi Everyone

    I like to share that I feel so much better, I just finish Shoveling all the Snow, and guess what I did not felt agitated as before, intact I can of like it, it was cold but I was worm and working till i Finish with out a problem.

    Me and my Lungs I guess we are going to right direction!

    Have a wonderful smoke free day!
  2. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    I fully agree with your brieffree.

    Also, are you newopportunity?

  3. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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  4. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi brieffree,

    I am glad that you were able to shovel the snow and enjoy it!  I agree with you.  Right now I am enjoying the colder fresh air, and I can appreciate it way more now that I am a non-smoker.   I know that my lungs are in really bad shape, but they would be worse if I hadn't quit smoking.  Now, I actually have a chance to keep living life and enjoy it.

    Brieffree, I am so proud of you for quitting and for keeping your quit.  You are such an inspiration to me!  I know that you will continue to appreciate all of the good things that you will experience as a non-smoker.  You are doing amazing, brieffree, keep it up!  I am with you all the way!!!
  5. clepage
    clepage avatar
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    Hi Brieffree,

    Amazing quitting smoking can do.  You can now shovel with a little effort because your lungs are clearer. I am so glad for you.  Continue what you are doing.  You are doing it right.
  6. nadia, quit coach
    nadia, quit coach avatar
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    So great to hear the benefits of quitting smoking, being able to breathe in nice crisp air as you shovel the blankets of snow is awesome! I am sure your lungs are thanking you for it... and yes, you are going to the right direction!

    Have you noticed any other benefits being smoke free?

    Cheers to a smoke free life! 
  7. turningpoint
    turningpoint avatar
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    So happy for you, brieffree!  And thank you for all the support you give others.

  8. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    This is so good to hear Brief Free!  It's recommended to wear a scarf over your mouth when it's as cold as it is today.  It's bad for your lungs when it's this cold.
8 posts, 0 answered