Forums / My journey / Sick & Tired of smoking

Sick & Tired of smoking

10 posts, 0 answered
  1. franny
    franny avatar
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    I have tried numerous times to quit, but today, I will make an honest effort to stay quit. I manage about 3 weeks and then for a reason I have yet to identify, I smoke again.  At this point, smoking disgusts me and makes me tired.  I am going to spend more time on the site and try to focus on finding a passion to help me get through the urges.  I know there will never be a good time  to quit and that the consequences for my health are real and serious (even though I may not see them at this moment).  Today is my quit day. I will clean my clothes and throw out the rest of my pack.  I will also repeat to myself a mantra: I am a strong non-smoker.  I will keep posting and reward myself and have positive self talk when I get through the rough spots.  I really want to quit.  I must not give in - this is becoming a matter of life and death (spiritual, psychological and physical).
  2. shazzan
    shazzan avatar
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    06 Nov 2018
    22 Nov 2018 in reply to franny
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    Wow Frannie , such determination. With your mind set you should have no problem achieving your quit . I didn't find the withdrawal from nicotine physically painful ( i think we all expected much worse in that regard) but more a nagging, taunt..... nanananana you can't have me. This is where we turn the tables and think or say to it "your not worth thinking about, i can't wait to be a Happy Non-Smoker. You can't stop me anymore, I have control now. 

    We are here for you franny. Remember to drink lots of water to rid of toxins and nicotine faster. . Read some posts.  You have made the best decision of your life and worth the challenge to become a Happy Non-Smoker. Keep busy and Keep the Quit!
  3. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    Hi Franny - Way to re-commit to quit.

    I have heard and read from many that the toughest times of their quit are the 3rd day, 3rd week, and 3rd month.  It sounds like this may be true in your case as well.

    But if you know this is coming, you can expect, predict, and prepare to beat it.  Recognize that it's withdrawal and use the tools suggested to beat it.  Get ready to celebrate the 4th day, 4th week, and 4th month!!!

    You have reaffirmed your commitment to yourself and all of us.  We're all here to help.

  4. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Franny,

    Congrats on hopping back on the quitting train. It sounds like you are going into this quit very determined and with a solid plan. I'm sure that combination will help you with being successful.

    We are all here for you if you need us.

    Hope day 2 was a good smoke free day,
  5. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi Franny,

    It's great that you are going to try quitting again.  Each time you try you learn something.  At this point, you have a better idea of what to expect.  And you know that your weak time is about 3 weeks.  So try to find your passion, or just plan to keep yourself really, really busy!  Wash those clothes, brush your teeth, and enjoy the nice clean smell of being a non-smoker.  

    You know, I ran into a dear friend of mine at work who I rarely see these days.  She had just come from having a smoke outside.  And I have to say, I found myself stepping away from her, because she just reeked of smoke.  That was me my whole life, and the thought makes me cringe.  It is such a relief not having to worry about stinking of smoke anymore.  That was a tremendous weight I got off my shoulders.

    You have the inner strength to do this, Franny.  I love your mantra.  You are a strong non-smoker.  Keep telling yourself that, and keep giving yourself little rewards.  This is your moment to shine.  Believe in yourself.
  6. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi Franny,

    Knowing what you don't like about smoking is an important step forward in quitting. Having a list in front of you of your reasons for quitting is helpful. Take a look at what exactly disgusts you is a good start.

    A new passion certainly has helped me. I actually have several that I started since I quit-- working out at the gym, developing new nutritious meals, enjoying the scene in my aquarium. Replacing old habits with good new ones is a definite diversion from smoking.

    You mentioned cleaning your clothes and that makes a difference. Last week I put on a shirt I haven't worn since last winter and missed washing when I quit in March. Yuck! It came right back off and into the washing machine.

    I wish you every success with your quit.

  7. alexjw
    alexjw avatar
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    Great job I have just passed 77 days and this online group helps. I have quit and gone back many times or cut down saying it was ok. I feel your determination ! You can do it 
  8. rosie1931
    rosie1931 avatar
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    Please Franny, do it.  Yours was one of the first posts that I read when I joined this forum, and you were so determined,  I'm sorry you've relapsed.  I know it can take most of us many attempts, try to recognize your triggers and the reasons why you are only making it to three weeks.  Try to really get to know your addiction, knowing your enemy helps.  And know that the cigarette is not your friend, a friend doesn't try to kill you each day.  It's time for you to take control and kill the cigarette.  You have the upper hand in this, as it is you making the decisions.  Wishing you strong and positive thoughts.  
  9. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    24 Nov 2018
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    Hi Franny

    You can do it! you been trying and training yourself to quit for good! You did Great!
    Just start over this new quit more powerful, more prepare, I am sure you will find the power inside yourself to stay focus. One day at the time! Have fun quitting, regard yourself for a good job!

    You can do it!

  10. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    26 Nov 2018 in reply to franny
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    Hey Franny... you're on the right track.  Lapsing and relapsing is part of the quit.  The more an more you relapse, more you will realize how much the addiction has hold of your life. You just need to keep trying and trying and trying until you master the quit. :) We can do this!!
10 posts, 0 answered