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Staying positive

8 posts, 0 answered
  1. franny
    franny avatar
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    Despite having tried to quit smoking many times, I am still not giving up.  This morning, I am on day 3.  I feel good and will try to relax and not panick so much.  One day at a time.
  2. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    That's the spirit, franny.  Those who never give up are the ones who are successful.  I know it's really hard at the beginning, but it's not impossible.  Just keep busy and drink lots of water.  And remember all of the reasons why you wanted to quit.

    You are strong enough to do this, franny.  Quitting is such a worthwhile goal.  You will feel so much better physically, and you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you did something amazing.  And you will find that you have so much more time on your hands to do other things, time that you wasted on smoking.  It's actually shocking how much time we waste on this horrible addiction.

    Take it one day at a time, and post here often.  We are all here to help you stay smoke free.
  3. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Franny

    You are doing Great! Keep the Spirit and focus in your quit! day 4 is on the Bag!
  4. paul, quit coach
    paul, quit coach avatar
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    Hi franny, good on you. Your positive vibe is great to see. It's inspiring! Also, relaxation is critical, so thank you for mentioning this.

    We hope that everyone enjoyed their weekends, and that we were able to remain smoke free, one day, weekend at a time.

  5. clepage
    clepage avatar
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    Hi Franny,  good for you!    It’s a challenge to quit but you do it one day at a time.  I would like to share my experience since I have only 1 month.  Every morning  I Pledge that I will remain smoke free all day.  You may find the title under Sunday Pledge.  Hope to see you there.  It helps me a lot, it is a commitment.  
  6. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi again franny,

    Clepage raises a good point.  It is really important to commit and to stay committed.   I don't do the daily pledge here, but I do feel a deep sense of commitment to every member here.  I not only owe it to myself to stay quit, but I also owe it to all of you.  We need to help each other through this process, through thick and through thin.  I hope you are still doing well, franny.  Keep the quit, you are worth it!
  7. franny
    franny avatar
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    I smoked today.  I am not giving up.  I go smoke free for 5-7 days (the longest I've gone is 3 weeks).  But I am setting a new quit date to December 25.  Jesus' birth is a big motivation for me.  I hope to stay strong.  I am not smoking as much, but still, I really want to quit.  Have a great holiday season everyone!
  8. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi franny,

    It's good to see how determined you are to get back on track.
    Can I ask what brought you to smoke in this quit attempt? And do you have any plans for how you may cope with it if it comes up again?

    Like you said in your first post, take it one day at a time.

    We are all here to support you and cheer you on,
8 posts, 0 answered