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Thanks Covid 19

11 posts, 0 answered
  1. donr
    donr avatar
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    31 Mar 2020
    26 Apr 2020
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    Well going on a month next week.  Quit date April Fools Day.  Looking back the fear of dying from Covid 19 really was the last straw on my smoking days.  When I heard that smokers were more at risk of having complications if they contracted this virus was the final straw in my decision making.  I’m glad I have quit and really feeling much healthier.  I walk and ride my bicycle several times a week.  I love Malden Trails as well as several other areas where I can just walk and/or bike for what seems like hours.  Being smoke free has also led to other smart life choices in my eating habits as well.  Just to bad it took this virus to open my eyes to the added dangers of smoking.
  2. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    30 Apr 2020 in reply to donr
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    Happy 1 month!

    We are happy to hear you are feeling healthier. You seem really determined to live this healthier lifestyle you are undertaking.

    Unfortunately, sometimes it does take a scare to push us to make changes.

    Keep up the amazing work!

    Jenna Lee
  3. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    30 Apr 2020
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    Hi Donr

    Very happy Millstone! Congrats is very good to see the benefit Keep the good work, freedom is yours!

    All the best!
  4. lisa marie 67
    lisa marie 67 avatar
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    08 Mar 2020
    09 May 2020 in reply to donr
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    HI Donr
    I quit for the exact same reason.It was   Covid 19  that made me quit when I started to hear about that smokers wont do so good that was it for me and it will almost be 2 months for me on the tenth of May .And yes same thing for me,It took the virus for me to quit smoking and start getting healthy again ,you are doing so good with your bike riding that is awesome ,I make juices in a juicer ,they were right about our taste buds coming back the juice taste amazing.
    Anyways we are doing good arent we :)
    take care Donr

  5. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
    255 posts
    06 Feb 2020
    09 May 2020
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    Hi donr,

    You are doing so well!  Congratulations!

    Many of us make other lifestyle changes once we quit smoking.  For one thing, we can breathe properly again so we are able to do more.  And for another thing, we start to take care of ourselves again.  It is all part of the healing process.

    I think it's great that you can ride a bike.  That is terrific exercise.  Keep up the healthy lifestyle.  And no matter what, live by NOPE (Not One Puff Ever).

  6. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
    255 posts
    06 Feb 2020
    09 May 2020 in reply to lisa marie 67
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    Hi lisa marie 67,

    I want to congratulate you on your 2 months smoke free.  WooHoo!

    Glad to hear you are enjoying your juice.  It's so much better when you make it yourself.  Good for you!
  7. poley
    poley avatar
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    10 May 2020
    10 May 2020 in reply to lisa marie 67
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    Congratulations Lisa Marie in 2 months smoke free. I am so happy for you! 
  8. poley
    poley avatar
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    10 May 2020 in reply to donr
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    i am totally pumped for you. Physical exercise is definitely one of the keys to quitting. Keep up the great work.
  9. donr
    donr avatar
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    31 Mar 2020
    22 May 2020 in reply to lisa marie 67
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    Hello, 2 months coming up for me.  Feeling much better.  My coughing and breathing are improving and my endurance while walking and biking are increasing.  Once in a while I’ll catch myself craving and then I just think about it and then turn my thoughts to something else.....another place in my mind....and I move on.  I enjoy being smoke free. I am eating healthier and living a healthier lifestyle.  Got to love that....
  10. poley
    poley avatar
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    10 May 2020
    23 May 2020 in reply to donr
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    Great job DonR! I am very happy for you. One day at a time. Keep up your awesome progress.
  11. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
    255 posts
    06 Feb 2020
    25 May 2020
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    Hey donr,

    That's the way to do it.  Acknowledge your craving, and tell yourself to let it go and move on to something else.  You've already been smoke free for 2 months.  Keep on going.  You will find it so much easier to breathe in the hot, humid weather.
11 posts, 0 answered