Forums / My journey / Thankulness


4 posts, 0 answered
  1. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
    237 posts
    29 Nov 2017
    12 Oct 2019
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    Hi Folks,

    Heading into Thanksgiving I thought this could be a perfect time to express some gratitude.

    For myself, I'm so very thankful for the community here. There is such incredible strength shown by the individual members, and even more so by how people here support each other. It's inspiring! So -- thank you for being there.

    How about you? What are you giving thanks for?

    Happy Thanksgiving,

    Last modified on 17 Oct 2019 17:37 by efram, quit coach
  2. mommasgirl
    mommasgirl avatar
    14 posts
    09 Oct 2019
    12 Oct 2019 in reply to efram, quit coach
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    This year I’m giving thanks to the amazing people who have supported me this year through all the tuff stuff including my most recent journey. I’m also giving thanks to my grandma getting out of the hospital this week and finishing her radiation treatment. May everyone be safe and enjoy thanksgiving. And everyone remember to stay strong you got this
  3. aurora
    aurora avatar
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    13 Oct 2019
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    I'm thankful for my life, my son, my family and friends! I'm celebrating 586 days smoke free and thankful for the freedom, better health, more motivation, and extra energy that I have.  
  4. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
    237 posts
    29 Nov 2017
    17 Oct 2019
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    A belated thank you for posting, mommasgirl and aurora!

    Mommasgirl, that's nice to hear that your grandma has finished radiation. Hopefully she's able to relax more now that she's out of the hospital.

    Aurora, BIG congrats on all of those smoke-free days, and all the enjoyment you're receiving as a result!
4 posts, 0 answered