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Three months today ...

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  1. justfortoday
    justfortoday avatar
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    One of my hero’s here, atp, read my post about my struggle at three months and suggested I write a post about my gains over the last three months.

    I did receive some other advice from the amazing people on this site, however, I’m not keen on transferring the withdrawal from the Patch (final stage), to other NRT and/or medication. In my heart, I know I must make this final climb up the mountain in order to reach the summit, and I need to do it on my own

    Life after three months:

    Aside from the obvious, not smelling awful, not having to “suit -up” to go have a cigarette, breathing better, experiencing new energy, I discovered some perks I didn’t expect.

    1. For the first time in forever, I’m able to hang my winter coat in the closet at work with everyone else!

    2. I no longer must make excuses to my little grandbabies explaining why Nana has to “pop outside for a few minutes” when we’re spending time together.

    3. I’m far more in touch with who I’m meant to be, who I can be. Not smoking has taken away the shame and perceived weakness I carried.

    4. I’m free to go anywhere! My husband and I love to travel and always rent apartments while exploring a new city. The last time we were in Paris, I spent twice the rental fee because I needed to make sure I had a balcony. Not to see the beauty of the sunrise or hear the city waking up …. YUP! I needed a place I could smoke!

    5. I’m advancing leaps and bounds in my creative endeavors because I’m no longer afraid to take on the challenge of growing. I truly believe in my capability to take on “hard” and move through it.

    My Personal Mantra = “I QUITE SMOKING! I CAN DO ANYTHING!”

    Some days are still tricky, and I feel the old anxieties that will inevitably arise as I make the full transition to a “recovered” smoker.

    And THANK YOU everyone here who has supported me and given me the strength to take on another day smoke free!
  2. atp
    atp avatar
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    31 Dec 2018
    03 Dec 2019 in reply to justfortoday
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    3 months!!!!!!

    Amazing isn't it, the change from those first days to now in your entire demeanour. 

    Look at how much your quit is now worth. How do you put a price on that freedom? 

    And you know what - the next few months are going to be even better as you get used to being the non-smoker that you are striving to be.  

    You're the hero. YOU did all the heavy lifting to get here. The rest of us are just the support team. Thanks though, it feels good to give back to those coming along after me. 
    Last modified on 03 Dec 2019 15:41 by atp
  3. atp
    atp avatar
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    I bet writing out that list felt pretty good for you. Felt good for me to read done good!
  4. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi justfortoday, 

    Congrats on 3 months!!! 

    Thank-you for sharing your list of gains. It's a great read and a wonderful reminder about why we might want to quit in the first place. 

    Hope the next 3 months come with even more gains for you. 
4 posts, 0 answered