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Totally confused

6 posts, 0 answered
  1. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
    1478 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    27 Sep 2018
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    Hi everyone

    I just hear on the news that is Legal to smoke pot were smoking is allowed.

    Am I  from other Planet! I quit smoking, Now I had to be prepare for that too!

    Ho! my. have a nice smoke free day!

    I need to be free in order to Brief!

    Last modified on 27 Sep 2018 07:57 by brieffree
  2. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
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    Hello Brieffree,

    The same skills and strategies you are using to maintain your tobacco free life will also apply to keeping you cannabis free!  

    If you have questions about the Ontario regulations announced re: smoking recreational cannabis wherever the smoking of tobacco is permitted, you can contact your MPP.

    Wishing you continued success,


    Last modified on 28 Sep 2018 11:07 by marianne, quit coach
  3. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi brieffree,

    I know exactly how you feel.  We worked so hard to quit smoking cigarettes, but we still have to walk by people who smoke.  Now, there are going to be a ton of pot smokers out there, too.  Oh brother.  I am so sick of watching TV and having them show all those people smoking weed.  They can do what they like as far as I am concerned, but just when I got smoking out of my own life, now I will have to contend with more smoke, albeit of a different kind.  It's so ironic.  In fact, there are already a lot of people smoking weed on the street.  For some reason, when I first quit smoking, the smoke from other people's weed made me crave a cigarette.  Thankfully, I got over that.  Anyway, we will just have to wait and see what happens.
  4. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Good Morning All,

    Pot smoking on the street might not turn out to be a major thing after a while. In due course consumable pot might take over the lime light. Already, Diageo (the spirits maker), Molsons and other major beverage manufacturers are forming partnerships with pot producers. Right from day one the oil form will be available for inclusion in such things as brownies and other consumables. Pot smoke has a very distinctive smell on clothes and a lot of people might not want that.

    It brings to mind that the things we worry about today may never come to pass tomorrow.

  5. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
    1478 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    28 Sep 2018
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    Hi Everyone

    I just want to Apologize if someone miss-understand  my post. I just expressed my feeling angry! With the news!

    I know how to avid all that crap! But By Law! Come on.....

    Who is going to control those? And how about our kids? People who has Cancer? and a lot More?

    I know the Answer, Politician!

    I am so happy As a Non Smoker, I do not wish to have any other crap to take care!

    Have a wonderful NON Smoking Day!
  6. cuui
    cuui avatar
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    Don't you guys ever walk around and smell it anyways?  It's a pretty pungent smell that can be detected from long distances...depending on which way the wind blows.  Smells like a skunk without the burnt aroma, ironically enough (for me anyway).  I wouldn't become too concerned with it...there will be zero reason for lone smokers to walk out into the middle of the street and smoke unless they are trying to make a spectacle of themselves after legalization and that will only be something you see for a short while.  You might get groups of young adults, but that will probably fade in time too.  I just don't see a reason people would leave their places of comfort and familiarity to smoke except for the short period of celebration that will follow legalization.
6 posts, 0 answered