copy and paste

7 posts, 0 answered
  1. kwquitter
    kwquitter avatar
    8 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    23 Sep 2020
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    there is no ability to copy and paste content into a new thread when trying to post into a community forum?
    copy and paste worked in the past.
  2. renee, quitcoach
    renee, quitcoach avatar
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    23 Sep 2020 in reply to kwquitter
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    Hello Kwquitter,

    Did you try to copy and paste something into a community forum recently and it did not work? What happened?
    I'm sorry you are having difficulties. Please tell me what occurred and I will try to find a solution for you.

  3. kwquitter
    kwquitter avatar
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    27 Sep 2020 in reply to renee, quitcoach
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    hello renee,
    was trying to copy and paste content from my computer into a community form.
    after copying the content i was unable to paste into a community forum.(my journey forum)
    i was able to copy and paste the content below into this window.

    "community form."

  4. kwquitter
    kwquitter avatar
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    forgot to mention it ws a new thread.
  5. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Kwquitter,

    Thank you for providing that information and letting us know what you're experiencing. 

    We have tested and it doesn't seem to be a wide ranging issue, just something that we have heard about from yourself. 

    Please try clearing your cookies from your browser or switching to a different browser to see if that helps resolve the issue for you. 

  6. kwquitter
    kwquitter avatar
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    30 Sep 2020 in reply to emily, quit coach
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    switched browser from firefox to chrome. cleared all cookies, cache etc.
    copy and paste still not working.
    i am using a mac with most up to date OS. (Catalina version 10.15.7)
  7. kwquitter
    kwquitter avatar
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    30 Sep 2020 in reply to kwquitter
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    looks like copy and paste worked on windows machine.
7 posts, 0 answered