Forums / Suggestions and technical issues / Feature Request: Smoke-free days counter

Feature Request: Smoke-free days counter

11 posts, 0 answered
  1. kyle @ smokers helpline
    kyle @ smokers helpline avatar
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    Hey everyone,

    Let's start our discussions about future changes to the system here. I think this is a no-brainer feature that you are all missing right now, but I'd like to hear more about this so we can work together to make it something that works with the new system and works for our users.

    For starters, let me say that this is a feature that is present on the site, just not in exactly the same way it had been. The top section of your Dashboard updates at particular milestones along your quit journey to show you benefits you've earned as you stay smoke-free. We can (and are planning to) update and extend these message because, as some of you have already noted, they currently top out at 1 year. Expect to see more messages soon, as we transition from bug fixes and transition into some mild updates.

  2. petermac
    petermac avatar
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    30 Nov 2017 in reply to kyle @ smokers helpline
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    yes  to the Old Counter ,  this Chat  We can not  add any Photo`s  Links ,  will be looking forward to these changes,   Going to post this for the Last time ,
     My Mileage 
    Smoke-Free Days: 48 
    Cigarettes Not Smoked: 1,200 
    Amount Saved: $374.40 
    Life Gained: 
    Days: 6 Hrs: 10 Mins: 45 Seconds: 52                      

  3. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    I'd also like to see a "quit coach" counter, which shows a calander of days to wean off, where you can enter time of day you either smoked one or craved one and it saves it.  Very helpful in the prequit and is at a glance friendly.
  4. kyle @ smokers helpline
    kyle @ smokers helpline avatar
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    04 Dec 2017 in reply to ocean
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    Hi Ocean,

    I really like that idea.

    So basically, it would provide you with some simple stats on when you tend to smoke and when you crave so that you can plan ahead for those moments? Maybe adding "why" and "where" to that would be helpful as well, so you can track problematic places and situations? Then you say "I'm going to cut out this smoke first" and work your way down from each point in the day?

    I could actually see that being a really simple mobile app idea, that could also give you warnings or notifications if selected.
  5. petermac
    petermac avatar
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    61 days    Or:   0 years, 2 months, 0 days    Smoke Free..     Found a Counter,   and a mix others you  may  find handy , for setting other Goals and records.      
  6. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Thank you Petermac

    Smoke free day's 919 days
    Or: 2 years, 6 months, 5 days

  7. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    14 Dec 2017 in reply to brieffree
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    Hi everyone Today I am 921 smoke free days! I hope 1 more...

    Today I am 922 smoke free day's!

    One day at the time.

    Last modified on 15 Dec 2017 06:38 by brieffree
  8. bena
    bena avatar
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    You're almost at the magic 1000 ... keep it up.
  9. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
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    Wonderful success with marking your milestones!  

  10. sandy47
    sandy47 avatar
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    23 Feb 2018 in reply to kyle @ smokers helpline
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    I was so disappointed when the new site did not have the same counter - mileage and I just quit using this site but today I received an e-mail advising I am smoke free 6 months boy that is super!
  11. dedi
    dedi avatar
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    Wow! congratulations Sandy47 ...
11 posts, 0 answered