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CBD oil and it's effects on helping to quit smoking??

16 posts, 4 answered
  1. butterflyna
    butterflyna avatar
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    Has anyone in here heard of CBD oil and it's effects on helping to quit smoking?? Someone advised me I should try it? Not into that stuff but since it became legal in Canada?? Anybody use this or can tell me about it and if it does help quit smoking?
    Thank you.

  2. atp
    atp avatar
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    My wife uses CDB oil mostly in the evening to help her settle down and fall asleep. It doesn't contain THC so you don't get 'high' from it. Not sure but perhaps that it helps relax you so it could help with quitting; HOWEVER, if you are on other meds or are planning on taking NRT's you should really talk to you doctor as the combinations could be a concern. 

    From my previous and current quit attempt I've found there is no magic bullet. The aids are there to help you, but at the end of the day it is all about willpower over the addiction. My most recent quit I changed my approach and basically went cold turkey. By day 5 the nicotine withdrawal was basically over with. I'm still dealing with getting used to not smoking (the habit part such as reaching for my non-existent smokes the minute I get in my van, etc.). BTW - I ended up buying mini carrots and Nibs to munch on as my alternative to smokes...

    The one thing I remember seeing on one of the posts on this site was ' Not One Puff Ever'. I kind of took that to heart as I don't want to go through withdrawal again. 

  3. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
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    Hello to you both,

    We recommend evidence based smoking cessation aids and as a result we cannot make comment on its use. 

    As atp shared that it is important to consult with a health care provider for them to help formulate a treatment plan. 

    We are available to discuss further strategies to assist in quitting. 

    Let us know if there is anything else that we can discuss in detail.

    Kind Regards,

    Jenna and Marianne
  4. butterflyna
    butterflyna avatar
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    Yes atp, I probably will go through different strategies. Not sure. Never been here before. My main reason for asking about the CBD was an addictions counselor said it could help. I did some research and the results weren't in yet on if it was a good aid to quit smoking. Just thought I would inquire. Thank you for your feedback. I am not looking forward to those days looking for the cig and them not being there. I can relate and am so happy you are smoke free now. Congrats to you! :)
  5. butterflyna
    butterflyna avatar
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    Yes, I understand. As in my reply to atp's post I was simply inquiring. I am thinking that I may try the Nicorette Mist. I can't use Chantix or the patch due to other medication i am on. My resporoligst whom I will be seeing |Friday  told me it could be a great help for me. Not sure. It is expensive tho. I have the gum but haven't used it yet since I am weaning down. Jan 31st is the day. Cold turkey whatever. That is the day! Thank you.

  6. turningpoint
    turningpoint avatar
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    butterflyna, I truly wish you all the best on Jan. 31st.  I know nothing about the oil, am currently using the patch.  I have to agree with atp that although the aids are helpful and can really take the edge off, it all comes down to us, the individuals.  There's just no way around it.  We are all here to support each other, and thank goodness for that.  In the end though, each of us are going to have to make the decision for each and every cigarette we do or don't choose to smoke.  I feel that the more supports I have to strengthen me in making the right decision, the better.  I need all the help I can get.  But in the end, I know it's on me.
  7. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    Hi butterfly,

    I agree wholeheartedly with turningpoint.  There is no magic potion, there is no mystical book, there is no secret recipe.  There is you.  There exist aids and coping mechanisms, but it is still you who decides to smoke or not. 

    No one forced us to start smoking, and no one can force us to stop.  Find the mindset, surround yourself with mental and physical supports, and hang on.  It can be a bumpy ride, but once you even merely catch a glimpse of your destination, you recognize where you want to be and will never look back.

    You are strong enough to beat this!
  8. butterflyna
    butterflyna avatar
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    Hi turningpoint,
    I love the way you worded your post, and yes; in the end it's all on me. Whatever in life. Thank you so much for your best wishes on Jan 31st. I got all you great peeps here.,, How could I fail?? :)

  9. butterflyna
    butterflyna avatar
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    Hi efreeman75,

    Yes. I agree as well. I am setting myself up each and every day with supports, etc. I just feel so confident that this is the time. I enjoy bumpy rides ... actually comfortable with them. My life has been one whole bumpy ride. I understand riding it out and just hanging on. One day at a time. I am so blessed to have all of you! 

    and... Yes, I believe I am strong enough to beat this! ODAAT (one day at a time) :)
  10. butterflyna
    butterflyna avatar
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    CONGRATS ON YOUR BECOMING SMOKE-FREE! I only pray I will join you on Feb 1st ... 2019!
  11. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Butterflyna, I am happy to see that you are going to be trying the Nicorette Mist. Hopefully this quit aid is something that is helpful for you during those tough moments.
    Turningpoint and Efreeman75 shared some great insight of not only having those physical supports in place, but surrounding yourself with positive mental supports, be that other people or state of mind.

    Nadia B. and Marianne
  12. rickm
    rickm avatar
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    There are a lot of various comments about cbd oil on the Internet, so 3 weeks ago I decided to buy it too, though it's quite expensive. Firstly, I did notice any changes but after 4 or 5 days I felt much better and the desire to smoke wasn't so strong as always.
    Last modified on 22 Jun 2019 15:00 by Quit Coach 13
  13. atp
    atp avatar
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    If it calms you down and helps then there is no harm in that. 

    A lot of people swear by it for helping calm them down at night and to help sleep. So it must help to soothe and lower anxiety. 

    Just be careful when using with other prescribed meds. Can't hurt to talk to your Dr. 
  14. sunny0903
    sunny0903 avatar
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    I just use CBD for my body pain, never try to quit smoking. Is it OK?
  15. nadia b, quit coach
    nadia b, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Sunny0903,

    If consulted by a Dr for your pain treatment, that is ok.

    In regards to quitting smoking, we recommend evidence based smoking cessation aids (i.e.Nicotine replacement therapy or Champix/Zyban). As a result we cannot make a comment on CBD oil to quit smoking. 
    Last modified on 23 Jun 2019 10:49 by nadia b, quit coach
  16. camiloo
    camiloo avatar
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    CBD oils can really com in handy, cause they're not so addictive and harmful like cigarettes. I've been a smoker for several years and now I'm completely clean due to CBD oils.
    Last modified on 19 Nov 2019 11:06 by Quit Coach 1
16 posts, 4 answered