Forums / The patch, the gum, the pills / Combination Therapy?

Combination Therapy?

9 posts, 0 answered
  1. brendahache
    brendahache avatar
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    I am presently on day 5 of quitting. I am using the maximum dose of the mist.

    Sometimes my cravings are still so strong!

    I am thinking of also adding the patch.

    Anyone have experience with combination therapy?
  2. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    28 Sep 2018 in reply to brendahache
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    Hi brendahache,

    Combination therapy has been approved as safe and effective. However, we do advise to run it by a healthcare provider first such as a pharmacist, nurse or doctor to ensure you are getting the dosing right. 

    I wonder if you are able to identify specific triggers in which cravings arise? Also, what else can you do in the few minutes that the cravings come before they go? Some examples include the 4D's: drink water, distractions, delay, and deep breathing,

    Hope this helps, and congratulations with your quit!! Everyone who quits still gets cravings so definitely don't be too hard on yourself,

    Jenna Lee
  3. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi brendahache,

    Congratulations on 5 days smoke free! That is a great accomplishment. Quitting a habit is no easy matter and getting lots of support is important. Health care professionals are well versed in quitting strategies. Reading and posting here can help considerably. It did for me!

  4. brendahache
    brendahache avatar
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    I have added the patch. It's helpful. And I am now 10 days cigarette-free!
  5. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    Hello brendahache - great to hear the addition of the patch helped you manage your cravings - it sounds like its working well for you.
    Congratulations on being smoke-free for 10 days!
  6. manda78
    manda78 avatar
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    I just quit on Jan 01/2019 I only have 1 patch left can I get any help with  getting  more 

  7. linda, quit coach
    linda, quit coach avatar
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    Hi brendahache,

    Congratulations on your success! Keep up the great work! You have worked very hard to get to this point, have you thought of doing something special for yourself? Using a reward to celebrate your hard work can be a good way to boost your motivation.

    Manda78, Congratulations on your quit and welcome! You have quit since January 1st – It’s awesome! We are so happy for you! Know there is a lot of support here and you can also call us at 1-877-513-5333 if you want some help to get more patches.

    Wishing you both continued success!
  8. davegmtc
    davegmtc avatar
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    Where can I get coupons  for buying nicotine patch 
  9. jenna c, quit coach
    jenna c, quit coach avatar
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    Hello everyone!

    For anyone looking for patches for free to help them quit, we at Smokers' Helpline can assist you with finding patches and other nicotine replacement therapy. At this time we ourselves don't have any samples to send out but can search your area to determine if one can get free products.

    Obviously you can purchase them at most pharmacies or drugstores. 
    If you need our assistance certainly you can call us at 1-877-513-5333.
    If you have any health care benefits, some will cover the costs of these product if you have a prescription from you doctor, nurse practitioner or pharmacist. 

    All the best!

    jenna c, quit coach
9 posts, 0 answered