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One bad night from Champix

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. gizmo2021
    gizmo2021 avatar
    8 posts
    01 Nov 2022
    30 Jan 2023
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    I am really not sure why the first day I went up t the 1 mg maintenance dose that night when I woke up around 11 my stomach was so sick I didnt want to move to prevent myself from vomiting. Wasnt long and I was in the washroom vomiting. It went on for hours and around 4 am in stopped. I got little sleep and the next day I felt horrible. I was feeling so bad that right then and there I didnt ever want to take Champix again. I did take it that morning after looking up some helpful things to prevent the worst of the nausea and things that could cause the nausea to get worse. I tried the ideas like not having high fat lots of protein before you take your champix because what it does is make the nausea worse. It mentioned to take lighter foods or carbohydrates like toast or soda crackers things like that because they are easy to digest as well as take it with 8 oz of water. That night I was too nervous and didnt take it. The very next morning feeling a whole lot better I ate some toast had a yoghurt and took my champix with the water. There was no nausea at all. It went great and at supper I skipped the meat portion and had pasta and vegies and took my supper dose and i feel great. I finished the last all my cigarettes yesterday so when I woke up today I didnt smoke at all. Today I have made it with my first day smoke free. 
  2. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
    228 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    30 Jan 2023 in reply to gizmo2021
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    Goodness, gizmo2021, you have been through quite the few couple of days. 

    Congratulations on your first day quit, and so sorry to hear you are not feeling well. 
    It is recommended you reach out to your health care professional and let them know about some of the side effects you are experiencing. They would be best to give advice and/or might end up altering the dose. 

    Hope things get better soon, and congratulations again on your first day smoke-free!

2 posts, 0 answered