Forums / The patch, the gum, the pills / quit date tomorrow

quit date tomorrow

4 posts, 0 answered
  1. jenniferlynn
    jenniferlynn avatar
    5 posts
    06 Feb 2019
    14 Jul 2019
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    I am writing here to commit to myself and my 10 month old baby, that I am quitting tomorrow. I have a been an off an on smoker since I was 17 and I am now 38. I quit while pregnant, but allowed the stress of a newborn to push me back on the smoking. I hate this part of me and it does not jive with the rest of my lifestyle or values at all. I am going to be using the patch as that is what I have had the most success using. I just wanted to put my pledge in writing! Thank-you
  2. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
    238 posts
    29 Nov 2017
    15 Jul 2019 in reply to jenniferlynn
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    Hi Jenniferlynn,

    Today is the first day of the rest of your life! 

    You are committed, you are supported, you have a good tool with the patch, and you are taking good care of yourself and your baby! 

    Wishing you both well,
  3. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    02 Apr 2018
    15 Jul 2019
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    Hi Jen,

    Commitments and pledges are two of the best things you can do to quit this addiction.  Children can also be incredible motivators to help us through those crazy moments!

    I hope your first day is going well.

  4. merline, quit coach
    merline, quit coach avatar
    129 posts
    12 Sep 2018
    22 Jul 2019 in reply to jenniferlynn
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    Hi Jenniferlynn,

    First of all, congratulations on your quit.
    By saying “ I just wanted to put my pledge in writing" I realize how important it was for you to quit and many thanks for taking the time to share your pledge in writing with us.

    How's everything is going so far ?

    We want to help you find different ways to cope with stress in order to remain smoke-free forever. Here are a few ideas you might find helpful. Try one or more to learn what works for you.

    Our bodies respond to stress by releasing hormones that increase your heart rate and raise your blood pressure. Practicing relaxation techniques, like the ones below, may improve your health and help you handle your stress in positive ways.

    Take a few slow, deep breaths—in through your nose, out through your mouth. You will feel your body start to relax.

    Being active sends out natural chemicals that help your mood and reduce your stress. Sometimes a short walk is all it takes to relieve stress. And walking is free! 

    You don’t have to deal with stress alone. Share your feelings with friends, family, and other important people in your life who are able to support you in staying smokefree.

    Make an extra effort to take care of yourself. This includes basic things like eating a balanced diet, drinking lots of water, and getting enough sleep.

    Remain smoke-free is better for you and your baby! 

    Feel free to call us at 1-877-513-5333 for more support.

    Last modified on 22 Jul 2019 20:41 by merline, quit coach
4 posts, 0 answered