The Patch

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  1. heab
    heab avatar
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    Hi -
    I am on day 9 of not smoking. The first week I used the patch and did not have any side effects. I was using step 1. The last few days I have put the patch on and feel beyond agitated and really wound up- almost like I am on speed . Unable to sit still or concentrate- it is a terrible feeling  and my heart begins to beat faster. It feels like the patch is causing major anxiety. Not sure if it is just with drawl symptoms or if it is the patch.  I did find that using the patch was very helpful and am nervous to not continue using it. I bought the gum and not using the patch-but the gum doesn't feel very helpful.  Wondering if anyone else has had this experience? I thought I could use step 2 patch instead. Any suggestions would be helpful !
    Last modified on 18 Feb 2019 13:24 by heab
  2. atp
    atp avatar
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    I haven't used the patch myself, but when i quit I started using lozenges and the mist and found they left me feeling the same after each use. So about day 3 I quit using NRT's altogether.

    You might need to try lowering the dose (step 2). Check to see if you are getting any redness around patch area (heard a few people are allergic to the patch).

    I started to also notice that cravings sometimes feel like I'm thirsty, racing heart and shortness of breath. Kind of like when you are over stressed or anxious. I've had some where the craving leaves me feeling that way all day.

    BTW - congrats on getting to Day 9 - next week should be so much better for you!

    Last modified on 18 Feb 2019 14:35 by atp
  3. mari_m
    mari_m avatar
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    RHi Heab, congrats to you on your 9 days smoke free! That is a great accomplishment. I used the patch step 1 for 6 weeks, then steps 2 and 3 for two weeks each, but after the first 3 or 4 days, the helpline coach suggested taking the patch off at night, as I had crazy dreams and woke up feeling tired and miserable. So I did not have them on overnite for the remainder of the 10 weeks. And that worked for me. I also chewed nicorette gum occassionally when i felt I really needed an extra boost, but also found them too strong, so I only used half a square at a time, and that was much better. I have been smoke free for 84 days now, didnt notice much difference when I finished using the patch, a bit of withdrawal for a couple of days, not bad-just kinda felt strange, so chewed the gum for a few more days and then didnt need that anymore either. It seems that a person has to try and figure out what method works for them, and the helpline really gave me a lot of different ideas to try. I had tried quitting several times before, so this time I decided this to be my last time, and that I had to find a way that would work for me! We can do this, one day at a time - m
  4. heab
    heab avatar
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    Thanks for the great advice re the patch, I did start to take it off at night as it gave me crazy dreams and a horrible sleep. The gum seems to be helping although both seem to make my stomach upset. I will try half of the gum- thats a great idea !  I am really mindful of when I crave the most- in the mornings and after dinner. I may try just using the gum those times. And yes - so right- need to find out what works best for me. Trial and error- without smoking! {I did quit for 5 years and made the mistake of thinking I could have just one which lead me back to buying a package within an hour and back to a pack a day within a day. I do recall that I stopped using NRTs after a few days so maybe that may be so this LAST quit time. The mistake was having one. ONE IS TO MANY AND A THOUSAND IS NEVER ENOUGH!
    Thank you !
    Last modified on 18 Feb 2019 16:46 by heab
  5. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
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    Hello Heab,

    Congratulations on your day 9 being smoke-free!  

    Sounds like if you have been using the same level of the patch in week 1 with no side effects, it shouldn't all of a sudden come on for you.  Mental withdrawal can have quite the impact where it manifests into physical symptoms.  

    Are you the symptoms gone now that you have discontinued the use of the patch?  

    If you found the patch helpful and want to go back on, ensure you are on the right dosing of the patch by what you were smoking, you can check on the product guideline and with a pharmacist.  

    Let us know how you are doing in the next little while so we can support you where you would like.  

    All the best to you!  

  6. success
    success avatar
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    Hey Everyone!
    So week one with wrong  amount that was too strong 21mg then down to 14 mg the next week, did 14 mg for three and half weeks  - when I started a new box on week three of the 14mg. I decided to put it on my upper abdomen - just to the left side of the belly button, did that for five days then moved to the arm again for the next two days - because wow the burning and redness from the patch on the abdomen was crazy.

    So in conversation with the Pharmacy Staff - thought maybe it was the "lot" number of the patch 14 mg and waited for a new lot - so then took a trip  8 hours away from when I live and as a result of the  redness still not going away after more than three weeks - I decided to go off completely..
    I am really having bad moments these days. Anxiety is high...
    have had a few odd puffs of a friends vape. but no cigarettes.

    My blood pressure is quite high - it was never this high when I smoked, go figure that.
     the itching from where the patch was on the abdomen had been crazy - finally found the apple cider vinegar works wonders for itchy. Pharmacy gave me hydrocortisone - but it did not work.

    Can't get in to see a doctor for a month..
    What keeps me going is this....I took my last cigarette Jan 25 - I am not going back to only have to go through this all over again, it is painful.

    Glad it is warming up so that I can get outside more.. that helps.


  7. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    Hi success! I'm glad that you're finding ways to keep going. You've put up with quite a lot to get to where you are now, smoke-free for a month and a half! Kudos to you. You are strong and have strong reasons to do what you're doing!

    Because you said you are having bad moments and high anxiety, I wonder if it may help to try a different kind of nicotine replacement therapy to take the withdrawals down a notch? Perhaps your local pharmacist could advise further if you're interested.

    I'm glad it's warming up too!

  8. wandam
    wandam avatar
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    Hi success, 

    Wow Sounds like you have been going through tough times with the NRT, yet you are managing to hang in there, way to go! Keep up the good work! 
  9. angelanness
    angelanness avatar
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    i am a single mom trying to quit but i am wondering where and how i can get free patches as they are expensive
  10. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    Hi angelaness,

    Thanks for joining us here. Depending on where you are in Canada there may be coverage on a local level (from a public health unit, for example) or provincial support.

    A good place to start is clicking the link at the top left corner of our site that says "find local support"; you can type in "free patches" along with your postal code. You could also call a Quit Coach at 1-877-513-5333 during office hours and we could search on your behalf.

    Hope this helps,
  11. tiny2018
    tiny2018 avatar
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    i am new here but I just started with the patch a few hours ago. I am finding the same wound up feeling like heart is racing as well. have used the patch before but don't really remember it being quite as bad. using the NRT for 3 days then being able to go without anything is so awesome. myself I am thinking as run out of patches in a few days about getting the losenges as have used those and they worked great for me and lasted longer than I have trying the patch. it could be the patch but tonight am wondering about myself is just the being anxious and stressed worrying about stopping smoking and not smoking maybe for myself tonight that that may be the reason. 
  12. success
    success avatar
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    Hi Tiny..this is a great place to come to.  I am now totally off the patch, I guess it just was not for me.  It triggered a bout of shingles.. :-(  ..I like coming back to see how much money I have saved..I also like coming back to see how everyone else is doing.  You got this!
    I did not feel well for most of the time that I used the patch. I also had the heart racing, I would take it off at night.
    Just keep saying that it will get does, but I keep reminding myself this is the hardest thing I have ever done. One hour at a time..I think I can, I think I can... :-)

    Last modified on 28 Mar 2019 00:11 by success
  13. jenna c, quit coach
    jenna c, quit coach avatar
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    Good afternoon,

    I am glad to hear that you have quit, success and that you have noticed the money you have saved!

    Often times when wearing the patch at night it can disrupt sleep and therefore people may find it better to take it off before sleeping and plan for the morning after to deal with any cravings or withdrawals. 

    Just to clarify that the patch is not something that triggers, shingles rather the virus itself does.

    Using the patch in combination of the fast-acting nicotine products (lozenge, gum, inhaler, or spray) can lead to a higher chance of quitting smoking.

    Hope this helps,

    Jenna C, quit coach
  14. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Im on the patch and it seems to be working fine. I put it on my chest, alternating each side per day. I used put it by my belly button in past quits and noticed the red itchiness when I took it off. 
14 posts, 0 answered