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27 days smoke free

9 posts, 0 answered
  1. jeannie_ca
    jeannie_ca avatar
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    11 Nov 2019
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    Today I have been 27 days smoke free
    I have been using champix and it’s working for me 
    no side effects and you do get cravings but it passes fairly quickly 
    I had been getting a lot of sinus infections soar throats coughing pneumonia finally I had said that’s enough....cigarettes are going to kill me 
    I am not letting that cigarette kill me 
    I’m 57 years old to young for this crap 
    so I’m beating the cigarette this time and feel damn proud of myself 
    and still going strong 
    and don’t miss the smell of those cigarettes cause they bloody stink 
    but I smell nicer and I am breathing a lot better and have so much more energy looking  forward to a healthier start to a new year😊
  2. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Jeannie!

    We're so glad to have you here with us. Kudos on 27 days smoke-free! You are a fighter.

    It's exciting to hear about how you're feeling so much healthier! You deserve to be proud, and to celebrate your success!

    Please continue to keep us posted on how you're doing. Any tips you might like to share along the way are most welcome as well.

    Wishing you continued success and a happy, healthy new year,
  3. justfortoday
    justfortoday avatar
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    11 Nov 2019 in reply to jeannie_ca
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    Hi jeannie!

    27 days!!! AMAZING!! Or I'm thinking it is 28 days now based on the time you posted.

    I love your attitude ... makes me smile, and I really believe you are going to win this battle with your addiction.

    Bravo, jeannie, and keep up the amazing work!

  4. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi Jeannie_ca,

    You have every right to be proud of yourself!  You made a decision to quit and you are getting it done.  Congratulations!

    Just think.  No more standing outside in the cold just so you can get a fix.  And you will definitely be healthier.  I am just getting over bronchitis and a cold, and I realized that if I still smoked, my bronchitis would have been 10x worse than it was.  Not smoking truly makes a huge difference in terms of how often you get infections, how severe they are, and how long they last.  I foolishly used to smoke no matter what kind of infection I had.  I can't imagine doing that now.  

    You have a great attitude, Jeannie_ca.  Keep up the good work.  Remember, you are stronger than your addiction, and you deserve to live smoke free!
  5. jeannie_ca
    jeannie_ca avatar
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    12 Nov 2019 in reply to justfortoday
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    Thank you do much 
    I’m still going strong and I can breathe so much better now and full of energy 
    I just keep myself super busy 
    cold and snow outside now 
    I just enjoy taking my granddaughter out in the snow playing and smelling the fresh air 
    I will keep you posted how I am doing thank you 
  6. justfortoday
    justfortoday avatar
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    You're doing amazing!

    Your spunk is so refreshing, and I know it will help see you through your journey.

    I've noticed in your posts that you always focus on the fantastic benefits of not smoking ... breathing in the fresh air, newfound energy, playing with your granddaughter in the snow ... Even when it's hard, you stay positive.

    You so got this!

  7. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi Jeannie_ca,

    You are so right.  Keeping busy and also focussing on all the benefits of quitting is key.  To this day, even though I quit almost three years ago, I still tell myself how lucky I am that I quit when I did, and how much better life is without smoking.

    And you know what?  You are setting a great example for your granddaughter.

    Good for you, Jeannie_ca.  You are rocking your quit!
  8. jeannie_ca
    jeannie_ca avatar
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    26 Nov 2019 in reply to treepeo
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    43 days I have stopped smoking now 
    I feel proud and I am trying very hard 
    i was  feeling real good sick again 
    had the flu now back to soar throat 
    keep getting a feeling going down my throat
    almost like when your sick like have chest infection and you smoke and it burns sometimes my nose that’s all I can smell 
    is smoke even though no one is smoking I don’t get it I thought for sure all this would have be gone by now 😢all I keep saying it will pass 
    everything will pass eventually and eventually it will all be gone 
    I quit about 7 years ago cold turkey 
    I quit back then for 8 months and never had symptoms of what I am going through now 
    and wasn’t even as sick 
    off to see the dr today maybe he can encourage me to just hang in and get just get me better so maybe this year I can have a nice Christmas holiday with family and not be sick 
    thank you 
    had to vent 😔
  9. jeannie_ca
    jeannie_ca avatar
    8 posts
    10 Oct 2019
    26 Nov 2019 in reply to justfortoday
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    43 days I have stopped smoking now 
    I feel proud and I am trying very hard 
    i was  feeling real good sick again 
    had the flu now back to soar throat 
    keep getting a feeling going down my throat
    almost like when your sick like have chest infection and you smoke and it burns sometimes my nose that’s all I can smell 
    is smoke even though no one is smoking I don’t get it I thought for sure all this would have be gone by now 😢all I keep saying it will pass 
    everything will pass eventually and eventually it will all be gone 
    I quit about 7 years ago cold turkey 
    I quit back then for 8 months and never had symptoms of what I am going through now 
    and wasn’t even as sick 
    off to see the dr today maybe he can encourage me to just hang in and get just get me better so maybe this year I can have a nice Christmas holiday with family and not be sick 
    thank you 
    had to vent 😔
9 posts, 0 answered