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4 Days and Counting

24 posts, 0 answered
  1. 2020vision
    2020vision avatar
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    I am on day four of not smoking, doing it cold turkey.  I am not sleeping well, but other than that I feel pretty good, which actually scares me!  The last time I quit (5 years ago), also cold turkey, I remember day 12 and day 27 were absolutely horrible, and then at day 97 had an argument with my daughter while trying to plan her wedding, and that was it, I was back to smoking full time.  I definitely feel this is the right time, and am happy to have found this seems like a great source of support.
  2. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    Hello 2020vision
    Congrats on day #4! Timing is so important, so thats great that you feel this is your time, and that you are ready to quit.
    We have an amazing community of people here who are here to support you.
    Hope you get some better sleep ahead this weekend. Do you have any other plans?
    All the best
  3. 2020vision
    2020vision avatar
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    Thanks for reaching out Sarah!  Slept a bit better last night, and hope the weekend sees even more improvement.  Seeing as we are supposed to have a really wet/icy weekend, the plan is to get lost in Netflix :). Today seems to include a good number of cravings, so drinking lots of water.
  4. justfortoday
    justfortoday avatar
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    Hi there 2020vision!

    First of all, congratulations on your progress!

    It seems you know what you're up against having done this before and in some ways that can help prepare you for sure.

    I know what you mean about certain days when it feels close to impossible to overcome the cravings. I had a lot of them!!

    Let us know what we can do when you need some support, and I'm glad you're here with us!

    Keep us posted on your progress.
  5. 2020vision
    2020vision avatar
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    Today is day 8, and I got through the first weekend of not smoking!  There were difficult moments, but I just kept telling myself that I do not want to quit again.
  6. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    yay 2020vision!

    You are now 9x more likely to stay smoke-free after quitting for 1 week!

    Keep up what is working and don't hesitate to add more to your regimen if you need to.


    Jenna Lee
  7. 2020vision
    2020vision avatar
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    On day 10...yesterday was a very tough day, but made it through with the help of licorice nibs (stolen idea from atp - thanks!!!).  Thought I might cave after dinner, but then went out to my monthly ladies euchre group, which was a really good distraction.  Attending a co-ed baby shower this upcoming weekend at a Legion (let's be honest, it's really just a party, with a pregnant lady thrown in the mix). I will definitely have to avoid the cash bar.  Reading about everyone's journey on this forum definitely keeps me motivated.  Thanks to all for sharing!
  8. atp
    atp avatar
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    Congrats on getting to day 10!

    With going cold turkey the nicotine is out of your system and all you need to do now is wait for those receptors in your brain to settle down in the next few weeks. Sounds so easy doesn't it? But its the triggers, and 'habit' things that are so hard to break. 

    Drinking and smoking go hand in hand and that is a huge trigger for so many of us who quit. No harm in being the 'designated driver' and just drinking a few pops. One thing i did was I changed my drinks by going the cocktail route instead of my usual beer. That helped break the habit of smoke and a beer. Or, you could just chew on a bunch of Nibs as you have your drink. LOL. 

  9. 2020vision
    2020vision avatar
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    I am usually the designated driver, but this time my daughter offered, and as it's supposed to be a snowy drive on Saturday, she has the heavier car with better snow tires (and going with her means there is definitely no smoking in that car) I may have to  bring the nibs LOL...thanks!!
  10. mario
    mario avatar
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    Hi I am on day 3 without smoking , smoked 30 years, first real time for quitting, I can say I'm really struggling, I keep telling myself I can do it.
  11. 2020vision
    2020vision avatar
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    congratulations on 3 days smoke free.  I am now on day 12, and I am starting to feel a little less tired, and breathing better already.  I too smoked for more than 30 years.  Best of luck, every day does get a little easier.  Look through other posts and steal ideas 😁, like snacking on nibs and watching a lot of crappy tv just to keep distracted.  
  12. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    HI again 2020vision - 
    Look at you on day #12!! Congrats!
    As some of those cravings & withdrawal symptoms improve, confidence goes up! Thrilled for you that you are already feeling the benefits of your quit, and its getting easier for you. 
    Enjoy all the great tv avail to get us through this chilly winter months.
    Keep up the great work, 2020vision!
  13. mario
    mario avatar
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    Thx 2020 vision I'm now on day 6 , IT is getting easier day by day, I find it's my mind that is giving me the cravings I feel like im missing something. Hopefully this passes, im glad it's getting easier for you!
  14. 2020vision
    2020vision avatar
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    Day 17 and counting...actually had to look at the calendar to see how many days, which I take as a very good sign.  There have been a couple of days where I have barely thought about smoking...but definitely a couple of days where all I did was talk myself off the smoking ledge.  This is my third "true" attempt at quitting, and I really do believe this is the one that will stick.  Best of luck to all on this journey!!
  15. atp
    atp avatar
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    I tried to quit so many times over 25 years. Always failed before 7 days. 
    This last quit I was a lot like you. Went cold turkey, and i just somehow knew this was my time to quit and I was feeling all pumped and motivated. It all somehow clicked and I wanted it. 

    386 days and counting (Ok I have to look at the Dashboard ot see the stats) - but I can do not smoking standing on my head now without breaking a sweat. It does get a lot easier. 
  16. 2020vision
    2020vision avatar
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    386 days is so awesome...congratulations!  I am going to put a reminder in my calendar to come on here in 368 days to post that I have hit 386 days smoke-free.  Your story is very motivating.  The dashboard is also a huge motivation, as I have already saved more than $200 and 2 days of life.  I don't ever want to spend another $1.00 on cigarettes. 

    Also a big THANKS to justfortoday, who is so positive, inspiring, and helpful!!
  17. 2020vision
    2020vision avatar
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    Today is day 26 for me, and feel pretty good for the most part.  Had a really hard day 20, had to talk myself off the ledge a lot that day...just kept eating more chips, lol, not ideal but it got me through the day without smoking.  Have felt good since, with only a couple of really hard moments, instead of full days. 

    I had a lump in my throat for the first two weeks, but it is gone now, except when I feel extremely stressed, breathing is  better, and my sense of smell has definitely returned, anybody who thinks they can "sneak" a cigarette without being caught, haha, you stink of it.  

    Hope everyone else out there going through this journey is successful in their quit!  Have a great weekend.
  18. justfortoday
    justfortoday avatar
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    Hi 2020vision!

    26 days! FANTASTIC!

    I totally understand, and empathize with those days when we have to talk ourselves off the ledge … and if eating chips stops the smoking, then eat up my friend! 

    I think as long as we accept the fact that there are going to be good days followed by hard days we can get through this. The stress doesn't help, but it doesn't have the power to make us pick up a cigarette.

    Not sure if you're interested, but about four weeks into my quit I started to do some mindfulness meditation as suggested by my husband (who smoked two packs a day until he quit about thirteen years ago). After I rolled my eyes behind his back, I started to dabble into it. And you know what? It really helped with the entire process of quitting. 

    You are doing so well, and with twenty-six days under your belt, I have all the faith you can do it because that is exactly what you're doing!

  19. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hi 2020vision,

    You are doing a fantastic job!  Way to go!

    At this point, you can smell a smoker a mile away, eh?  Yikes, it makes me to embarrassed to think that that was me for most of my life.  Conversely, I have become super aware of how few people smoke these days as compared to when I was younger.  It's great to be in the majority again.

    I am hopeful that it becomes easier and easier for you with each day that passes.  There will always be stress in your life.  You just have to find other ways to cope with it.

    Rock on, 2020vision.  You are getting the job done!
  20. 2020vision
    2020vision avatar
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    Today is day 36, and I am definitely feeling like my quit is going to "stick" this time.  There have been some really tough days, but the days have now turned to tough moments, and I am determined to never smoke again.

    Thanks to all who have provided motivation, it definitely helps reading through the posts on this site to see what has worked for others and know that we are not in this alone.

    Best of luck to all in their quit journey!
  21. atp
    atp avatar
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    That first month is the hardest when going cold turkey. So congrats on passing that milestone! 

    Think about what your quit is now worth to you. I remember looking a the quit calculator and seeing the savings dollars adding up and another member who quit before me talked about valuing his quit. And that is when I started to look at it like a positive. 

    You've still got some learning to do about being a non-smoker and facing some triggers as we go through the seasons, but that is all process. Months 2-12 for me were all about improving and changing who I was and what I did. 

    In honour of your quit lets take a nice deep breath and try to remember how that smokers cough sounded rattling out of our lungs......

  22. 2020vision
    2020vision avatar
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    Hi atp,

    I really like the idea of "what is the quit worth", and the value being measured in so many different ways.  Yes, there is the money savings, today at day 40 it is $477.00, but more importantly is the 702 cigarettes not smoked and, most importantly,  the 5 days of life saved.  I am hoping that within the next 2-3 years I will become a grandmother, so those days of life saved are very important.  I want to be able to play with my grandchildren, and hacking up a lung is not conducive to that type of activity. 

    Yes, coming into the spring and summer will definitely trigger sitting outside with a drink and a smoke, that is one of the reasons that I knew I would have to quit in the middle of the winter, so that the worst of the cravings were behind me when the weather becomes nice.  Definitely did not miss smoking on the balcony this morning with a wind chill of -28.

    Wishing everyone a smoke free day, and to staying warm!!
  23. 2020vision
    2020vision avatar
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    While I check in here often, especially to check my dashboard, I have not posted for a long time.

    Today is my 208th smoke-free day.  I actually never thought I would be able to say that.  I feel so much better, and for the most part handle any cravings without much thought...but they do sneak up every once in a while.  I know that I can NEVER have one cigarette, or I will be right back where I was, and I am not willing to quit again!

    Thanks to all who share their struggles and stories, they mean a lot to those who are staying smoke-free, and others who are considering their quit! 

    Best of luck to all who are part of a quit journey!
  24. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    2020vision, that is 100% AWESOME! Right on! 

    Speaking of sharing stories, we so much appreciate you sharing your success story with us. You've done so well in keeping your strong mind-set for staying smoke-free, and that gives great inspiration to everyone here. 
24 posts, 0 answered