Forums / Welcome / Attempting to Quit Again, Day 9 Smoke free with Patch

Attempting to Quit Again, Day 9 Smoke free with Patch

4 posts, 0 answered
  1. lifinest
    lifinest avatar
    1 posts
    09 Jun 2022
    09 Jun 2022
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    Hey i found this forum after a google search. Love to read the forums and gain some additional motivation. I know i needed to quit when my son kept asking me to quit. I want to be here to watch grow older. I am on my 9th day and i am using the patch bc it is nearly impossible without it. Boy the dreams are insane. I am determined to beat the smoking this time. Any additional suggestions from those who quit using the Patch. 
  2. jb63
    jb63 avatar
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    Congrats on 9 days.  I also used the patch   I did not wear the patch to bed because of the crazy dreams. I just put a new one on as soon as I woke up. I was on the patch for 10 weeks 
  3. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Hello and welcome to the forums lifinest. Its a great place to come to get some support in your quit process. I quit using the patch too. The dreams were a bit mad for the first while but that calmed down after a while. They really do work and take the edge off when those nasty cravings and urges strike.
  4. aurora
    aurora avatar
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    Hi lifinest,

    I quit after 35+ years of smoking - I tried the patch during one of many numerous quit attempts. This last time I quit with the aid of NRT lozenges or tablets. 
    yes, the dreams were crazy. I recall dreams where I was smoking, and I actually thought they were real, they were so vivid. This happened early on and also months into quitting. 
    I did not stay on NRT for a long period of time, but it sure helped me get over some of the tough times. 
    things get better. I also quit because my young son kept asking and I kept promising........
    You got this! 
4 posts, 0 answered