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Back again

3 posts, 0 answered
  1. tinalee
    tinalee avatar
    26 posts
    24 Jan 2022
    27 Aug 2022
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    Hello I introduced myself last year but I'm still addicted. I smoke 2 packs a day. I have decided to try again tomorrow. I am feeling despair at times to be honest as I've been trying since March of 2020 and the longest I could go is 19 days. I experience intense withdrawl especially mental. I live with 2 mental illness bipolar with psychosis and c ptsd which smoking I use to cope as bad and self destructive as it is. I do know my mental health can improve by leaps if I quit for good. I also am on odsp so I am having a lot of idle time my home support worker is helping me get more of a scheduele of activities going to fill my day. I'm not much of a TV watcher although I try. I want this. I have periodontal disease and cancer has ended the life of countless relatives young due to their smoking. My father just had a stroke due to smoking. I need all the help I can get. I truly can't do this alone! Please help me. 
  2. jb63
    jb63 avatar
    114 posts
    28 Feb 2022
    28 Aug 2022
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    Hope your first day was successful. The first while is hard but just take it one day at a time
    good luck with your quit
  3. Fisher Guy
    Fisher Guy avatar
    64 posts
    01 Dec 2021
    01 Sep 2022
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    Hi tinalee.  I can understand what you are going through  , as I smoked for over 50 years , and tried to quit many times. I used the patches for the first while then just said I can do this. So keep yourself busy and drink lots of water .  I am now 9 months smoke free and do not miss it as much as I thought I would. I keep saying nope, and all my family are rooting for me,  Yes I still get urges, but they are less and less. Good luck, I will be rooting for you also.
3 posts, 0 answered