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Fatigue and feeling detached

19 posts, 0 answered
  1. roxzee
    roxzee avatar
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    I am 18 days into my cold turkey quit after smoking for 25 years. I am sooooooo tired all the time. I am having trouble with focus at work. I’m gaining tons of weight and just dont see that I will feel better ever. I have little to no time for myself as I have 2 young kids. I feel as though these past 2 weeks have been for nothing cuz I still feel like a sac of crap. I have not sensed any benefit to quitting yet. I feel like have a 24/7 cold. Does this fog ever lift?
  2. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi Roxzee,

    I quit cold turkey, too, so I can relate to a bit of what you are feeling.  I found that for the first month of my quit, I could fall asleep at night, but would wake up 2 or 3 times a night.  So every day, I got more and more tired.  And that made me weak mentally, and I felt discouraged like you do.  But for me, things got better after the first month.  I started sleeping through the night again without waking up, and as I got more rested, I felt a whole lot better.

    I know it's hard right now, Roxzee, but hang in there.  You have come this far, hold on a little longer.  Things will change for the better.  You just have to be patient.  Think about it.  You smoked for 25 years.  You can't expect to make a major change such as this without experiencing some side effects.  Everything you are feeling is normal.  But you have to give your mind and body time to adjust to living without the chemicals they were constantly bombarded with.

    You have 18 days under your belt, Roxzee.  Way to go!  Honestly, you are doing great, and I hope you will keep it up.  You will start to notice some benefits soon once your body adjusts.  And then you are going to feel sooo much better.  Truly.  

    Keep in touch.  I'm rooting for you!
  3. roxzee
    roxzee avatar
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    Thank you for your support. You words are definitely encouraging. Yesterday was a super hard day for no reason. Today my mood is better but concentration still sux. Quitting smoking is nothing like the ads on tv. LOL I definitely don’t feel like jogging or doing yoga on a mountaintop  right now. Maybe one day I will. We shall see. Thanks again
  4. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hello roszee

    Welcome to help line, here you will find a lot support to quit! I think you are doing Great! 18 day's Free is a complete Victory.

    What you feel is a healing process, No more Smoke into your lungs.

    Everyday Not Smoke is a Celebration, your 2 little boys young kids will thank you a lot! You have a lot to win whit out smoke!

  5. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    Hello Roxzee - thank you so much for sharing how you are feeling, and yay! congrats on all your hard work. You have all these smoke-free days to look back on - be very very proud.
    What you are explaining - the fatigue, difficulty concentrating - are very common withdrawl symptoms. They are no fun at all, but so common as your body works hard to get well. And as Treepeo shared: this WILL get better. Make time for yourself - this is your quit, and its gonna take time. And when your day comes to do yoga on the mountaintop, we will celebrate you. But we will celebrate you, and every small change you make in the meantime too.
    All the best,
  6. acn2003
    acn2003 avatar
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    I quit cold turkey and felt the same way for over 40 days.. 

    Did some research on it, and found that this is caused due to a chemical called acetylcholine that functions as a neurotransmitter in the brain and body.  

    This organic chemical can both speed up and slow down nerve signals.  

    Normally, nonsmokers are kept awake and alert by the brain’s release of acetylcholine.  The chemical also helps stabilize mood and maintain focus, earning it the nickname “memory neurotransmitter.”  

    It so happens that nicotine can “mimic” acetylcholine by binding to its receptors in the brain.  

    Portions of smokers’ brains “perceive” that they are receiving acetylcholine (when they are actually receiving nicotine) and thus maintain alertness and concentration.  

    As a result, the brain virtually stops producing acetylcholine.

    So when you quit cold turkey, you feel lazy, lethargic, sleepy the whole time when you are awake!

    Good news is, there is nothing to worry, it is completely ok, and you will be back to normal in 30 days time… utmost 45 days… 

    More physical exercise (like jogging, walking) and reducing the amount of coffee (anything caffeine) will help to get over this faster… 
  7. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    Hi acn2003,

    Welcome to, and thank you for the well-researched post.  

    So, the good news is that this lethargic feeling is both normal and temporary as the brain works at getting back to normal.

    I also like to consider how a person's brain will likely function better after they quit due to increased oxygen flow. Just like every other organ of the body, the brain works best when our circulation isn't impeded by the carbon monoxide from cigarettes.

  8. merline, quit coach
    merline, quit coach avatar
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    Hello Roxzee,

    Thank you so much for sharing to us how you were feeling after quitting 18 days cold turkey and according to what you told us I understood that things were not easy for you.

    Are you feeling better now?

    Fatigue, difficulty concentrating - are very common withdrawal symptoms after quitting. Withdrawal usually starts a few hours after you quit and may peak in 2 or 3 days. You should begin to feel better after that. Some people get through it quickly, while for others it can take longer. It may feel bad, but it is seldom dangerous. Remember, most symptoms will go away in a while.

    1) Fatigue
    Quitting can cause fatigue because nicotine is a stimulant. 
    Fatigue will lessen over 2-4 weeks.
    Take frequent naps.
    For some people exercise helps.

    2) Difficulty concentrating or feeling spaced out
    Ease your workload for a while.
    Say to yourself "This will improve over time. I'll be OK."
    Take some extra caution in the things you do.  Most ex-smokers say that concentration returns after a few weeks.

    Don’t forget to make time for yourself because you work hard to stay smoke free and we will celebrate you, and every small change you make in your day.

    I'm looking forward to hearing about your success with it!

    You can do it!

  9. jmkelly62
    jmkelly62 avatar
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    Hi. I am new to the program. I tried to quit last Thursday may 14th. But with relationship problems with my spouse I am back smoking. So I’m planning on quitting Monday may 18th. Any advice?
  10. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi jmkelly62

    Congrats in your quit day! sorry to hear the problem. Smoking do not solve any problem, instead make it worse!
    You can do this! Believe in yourself!

    One day at the time!
  11. cheryl quit coach
    cheryl quit coach avatar
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    Hi jmkelly62,
    I am sorry to hear about your situation with your spouse and that you have went back to smoking.
    Is this your first attempt to quit smoking? Not everyone will stay quit on their first try. Try to feel good about your effort. It is not easy. We are here for you.
  12. woodywow
    woodywow avatar
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    Wow...that I guess sums up what I have been going thru.
    I said to myself a couple of times.."I am suppose to be feeling better,what is going on? I feel like crap"
    The thing that kept me going was the fact that I was not getting any horrific leg cramps like I was when I was smoking.
    Better blood flow I guess...My blood vessels were returning to normal size = better blood flow.
    My doctor told me it was the cyanide in cigarettes that shrink the blood vessels and arteries. 
    I am 18 weeks god willing ...tomorrow and It is getting easier.I can actually go into a store now and pay for that quart of milk and look at the smokes behind the counter and ignore them now without breaking into a
    One thing I dont understand though...and I won't complain...I have lost 20 pounds and my appetite has not increased with cravings for sweets and stuff??
    I want to lose 40 more pounds cause I am a bit overweight.
  13. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    21 Aug 2020 in reply to woodywow
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    Good Morning 


    Congrats in 18 weeks free!
    I know it felt a bit down, is just the new you, with out smokes. Your Body and mind is adjusting to the new you, about your wait lost , I think if you loose 20, already you can easy reach 40.

    Keep the  good work! 
    One day at the time!
  14. pitbull1
    pitbull1 avatar
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    I would like to add that while feeling very fatigued and distant to a lot of things I needed to experiment and after 2 days using 2 methods have paid off for me.
    First was using Astragalus and second part was drinking a glass of  pomegrant juice with 3 dates eaten while drinking.
    After 2 days on both i fell like I have more mental energy to do things and no spaced out feeling, I wish I knew which one is actually helping or maybe both are.

  15. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    Thank you for sharing, pitbull1. Fatigue and difficulty concentrating are two very common withdrawal symptoms. While frustrating, they are a sign that your body is working hard to get well.

    We do encourage you all to speak with a health care professional before taking any supplements. Healthy snacks are a great way to help you feel good, act as a distraction, boost energy, and satisfy the hand-to-mouth motion you may be missing.

  16. danipreo
    danipreo avatar
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    Hi all,
    I'm trying to get myself in a healthy mindset for quitting. I've been smoking for 23 years...and I'm turning 39 next month. All of my friends have boyfriend doesn't smoke and we are moving in together June 1 so I've made it my goal to quit may 31 as I do not want to be smoking anymore. I'm so lazy, I have a cough, phlegm....there is just nothing positive about it as we all know and I'm really gonna need support wherever I can as I must do this! I've taken other steps towards a healthy lifestyle and this is the final one....and once I do ..I know I'll be at my happiest. I hate smoking. I hate everything about it. I get anxiety thinking about quitting, but then I also get anxiety thinking about continuing. I'll take any tips I can!!!!! 
    Thanks in advance!!!
  17. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hi danipreo,

    It's great that you have decided to quit smoking.  I can understand how you have mixed feelings.  You are both excited and scared.  Your feelings are completely normal.  Quitting is a big deal and it is going to take a lot of hard work and commitment.  But the end result is totally worth it, trust me.

    Here are some things to think about:

    1.  Are you going to quit cold turkey or are you going to use NRTs?
    2.  How are you going to handle cravings?  Personally, I found distracting myself very helpful.  What activities can you turn to to help keep your mind off of smoking?  Reading, walking, playing computer games, cooking, all are possible options.  Think of things you like to do in advance so you will be prepared.
    3.  Are you going to tell people you are quitting?  I did, because it helped to keep me accountable.  Also, my family and friends provided me with a lot of much needed support.
    4.  What are the reasons you want to quit?  Make a written list of your reasons and refer to it often.  It will help to motivate you.
    5.  How can you reward yourself as you progress through your quit?  Positive reinforcement works!

    The more prepared you are in advance, the easier your quit will be.

    Good luck, and keep us posted.  I am rooting for you!
  18. joselurdeskiala
    joselurdeskiala avatar
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    Champix without a prescription - I smoked for 40 years & had never really tried to stop, but as I was getting older & becoming more health conscious I thought I really need to try & give up the cigarettes. I started with the champix, set my date & off I went, almost 6 years later I am a non smoker & even detest the smell of it. I had no side effects what so ever, I love not being a slave to smoking anymore.
    Last modified on 20 Mar 2023 02:44 by joselurdeskiala
  19. karen, quit coach
    karen, quit coach avatar
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    Hi danipreo,

    Welcome to Smokers' Helpline and congratulations on making the decision to quit!

    There are many different ways to quit smoking. You might find it helpful to connect with your quitline to discuss a personalized plan for you. You can speak with a coach by calling 1 866 366 3667. 

    Look forward to reading more about your journey. 
19 posts, 0 answered