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Hello Everyone

5 posts, 0 answered
  1. 11thattempt
    11thattempt avatar
    1 posts
    13 Jan 2024
    13 Jan
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    Hello, My name is Jenn and this will be my 11th attempt at quitting!  Sad, I know. I just turned 55 in Dec and I have been a smoker since High School - age 15 (40yrs)  I feel different this time around, I feel "ready" I feel like this is it and I can and will achieve at becoming a non-smoker. Wish me luck! 
  2. jb63
    jb63 avatar
    114 posts
    28 Feb 2022
    13 Jan in reply to 11thattempt
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    Wishing you the best of luck 
    I was a smoker for 40 years also. I had tried to quit many times. 
    I will be 2 year smoke free February 28
    This will be your time 😀
  3. bambi23
    bambi23 avatar
    2 posts
    28 Jan 2024
    31 Jan
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    I am new here and like you I started smoking when was 13. I am still smoking at 56. I have quit so many times I can't count them. I started to take champix on Friday. I am quitting February 5th. For me this time it is a very important thing for me. My Dr refuses to do any surgery if I am smoking. It's a surgery I need to have. Around 49 years smoking. Is something my friend keeps telling me, Never quit quitting 
  4. jb63
    jb63 avatar
    114 posts
    28 Feb 2022
    01 Feb
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    Best of luck Bambi23
    keep posting on it really helps 
  5. password19
    password19 avatar
    1 posts
    10 Nov 2022
    01 Feb in reply to 11thattempt
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    Hello Jenn, need not  be embarrassed for trying again, the only thing to be embarrassed about would be not trying at all! Wishing you the best! I’m on day 4. 
5 posts, 0 answered