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  1. jimydrmz
    jimydrmz avatar
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    Hello, Newbie here. Smoked for 45 years and I've had enough! I quit cold turkey on Dec. 28 and so far the biggest killer is the coffee in the morning! Any advice ? thanks... Actually, I could use alot of support right now...
  2. jb63
    jb63 avatar
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    Congrats on quitting. 
    Try having your morning coffee in a new location. I changed to watching tv for 15 minutes with my morning coffee. I found changing my routine throughout The day really helped. 
    take it one day at a time. And use NOPE. Not one puff ever. That was the best advice I got. 
    I was a 40 year smoker and I just passed my 10 th month smoke free
    Keep posting and read old post it really helps
  3. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
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    Welcome to the community!

    Congratulations on getting started jimydrmz! Like jb63 suggested, changing things up can help ease it. You could consider using another form of caffeine, like black tea? Anything that changes the association can help.

    In the meantime, I would like to share some general tips and information. Typically in this first week, the cravings and withdrawal builds and becomes stronger and then "peaks". Once once that day happens, things start to ease up over time. For many, the "peak" day, is day three. It will get easier!

    In general, for cravings, keeping your hands busy, mind busy and mouth busy is a good tip. Pick one of those or all three, an example would be watching a good movie, while eating popcorn and sipping on ice water.  Posting and reading as jb63 suggested, really has a positive impact on your success. You have some great advisors on here.  

    Welcome again and keep reaching out!

  4. jimydrmz
    jimydrmz avatar
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    Thank-you very much for the advice. I am on day 4 of quitting and I think I am doing better. Withdrawal symptoms seem to be easing a bit. I HATE smoking so dam much I can't begin to explain!!!
  5. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
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    Glad it is easing up a bit jimydrmz. It can be a bit of a bumpy ride but you are on it!

    Keep us posted!
  6. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hi jimydrmz,

    It's great that after 45 years, you have had enough.  I smoked for over 45 years, too, and I am so glad I finally quit.

    I found staying busy was really helpful.  I tried to do things that I enjoyed so that it was more of a reward rather than a  punishment.  So read a good book, watch TV, play a video game, or do anything else you have fun doing.  Drink lots of water to get the toxins out of your body, and sleep when you can, because you don't crave when you are asleep.

    Think of this as a fresh start.  You are starting this year as a non-smoker.  What a refreshing change!  Enjoy the ride!  It gets easier over time.
  7. jimydrmz
    jimydrmz avatar
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    Thanks for all the encouragement ...
  8. bubble
    bubble avatar
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    Will try to remember all these tips as I go through this my first week.
8 posts, 0 answered