Forums / Welcome / Quitting for the first time in 15 years

Quitting for the first time in 15 years

3 posts, 0 answered
  1. babykaysi16
    babykaysi16 avatar
    1 posts
    05 Jul 2023
    05 Jul 2023
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    Hey there !

    I'm new. And I am ready to quit. I had 3 smokes this morning and now I am wearing the patch. I want to be successful. I do not want to smoke anymore. Is there any advice I could hear or any stories of a successful plan.
  2. karen, quit coach
    karen, quit coach avatar
    46 posts
    09 Nov 2022
    06 Jul 2023 in reply to babykaysi16
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    Hi babykaysi16,

    Welcome to the forum and congratulations on taking the steps to make some changes with your smoking! Quitting smoking is the best thing that you can do for your health.

    You have got your quit aid and now you are ready to make a plan! Big changes like quitting smoking benefit from good planning. Knowing your triggers, anticipating cravings and possibly some symptoms of withdrawal is a good start so that you can put some strategies in place that will help you through some of the more challenging times along your journey. 

    Check out our Smokefree Curious website where you will find lots of good information and resources on how to plan your quit One Day at a Time:

    I am happy that you posted here. I think that you will find this community to be very supportive and encouraging. Their stories and/or tips and strategies may help you with your plan too!

    Warm regards,
    Karen, Quit Coach
  3. jb63
    jb63 avatar
    114 posts
    28 Feb 2022
    07 Jul 2023
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    Hi babykaysi16
    Congrats on quitting. My advice is take it one day at a time. I found reading old posts and posting on this site really helps.  
    the best advice I got from here is always remember NOPE. Not one puff ever. 
    Best of luck 
3 posts, 0 answered