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Second time around trying to quit smoking 🚭

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. musiclover
    musiclover avatar
    1 posts
    21 Nov 2023
    21 Nov 2023
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    Good morning everyone

    My name is Amy and this is my second time trying to quit smoking. A little about me , I have been smoking for 35+ years and a heavy smoker at that .
    5 years ago I had a massive heart attack at the age of 40 I almost died and had to have two stents put in my heart , 
    I also only have one kidney as well as kidney disease on top of that My kidney is slowly declining and my doctors just told me I have an extremely high risk of having another heart attack if I don't quit smoking !
    I also have a whole slew of other health issues and suffer with chronic pain .
    I've been wanting to quit for a while but scared to I don't want to weight gain again so I had my last pack of cigarettes November 5th I made it last a few days and then that night just before bed I had my last cigarette I put a patch on and I went to bed the next morning I woke up and told myself I don't smoke anymore and I kept changing my patches for a few days but then my patches kept falling off so I stopped using them and basically went cold turkey I haven't had any withdrawal symptoms this time but the cravings are horrendous and I have slipped and had a puff a couple times. 
    After my heart attack I did manage to quit smoking for 6 months . 

    I am a mom of 4 would like to see all of  my children graduate school, get married and have babies !! 

    Although I'm a smoker/ex-smoker I can't stand the smell of it and I get embarrassed to smoke around people who don't smoke ! I'm tired of not being able to breath and the constant  hacking cough needs to go away !! 

    So I had my last cigarette 3 Weeks ago but I have slipped and had a couple puffs . As I previously said I am able to breath a little easier now and I no longer have the annoying cough But I have been losing my voice off and on like I constantly have to clear my throat. Is this something I should be worried about?? 

    Well I'm Amy and that's a bit of me and my story . Sorry if I rambled too much !  Good luck to everyone and stay strong 💪🚭
  2. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
    255 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    22 Nov 2023
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    Hi Amy, 

    Welcome to Smokers' Helpline online and congratulations on making the decision to quit!

    Thank you for sharing your story with us. I can hear that you have so many motivating reasons for going smoke free. Your family and your health are very important and you're doing a wonderful thing for yourself.

    Glad to hear that you're already starting to notice some benefits of being quit! Breathing easier and coughing less are really positive things to experience. Is there anything you're doing to help sooth your throat at this time? Drinking lots of fluids, some hot teas, or cough drops may be helpful right now with the changes your noticing in your voice. 

    Wishing you all the best,
2 posts, 0 answered