83 posts
21 Mar 2018
23 Feb 2024
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Hi there . I have a strange problem because although I have quit smoking many years ago, I started vaping and then i started chewing nicotine gum to quit vaping ,but now I can't stop chewing nicotine gum.
It's strange because you would think its just easy to quit chewing nicotine gum , and I read it's not addictive but I think I used it in an improper way.
So now for over a year I have been chewing nicotine gum and the package says not to use it longer than 6 months , so I am worried about possible side effects. Plus, it's very expensive to buy boxes of gum all the time.
I have been struggling in silence about this for a while and I was hoping for some support and I don't know where to turn
I have quit for a week or two a few times but I start to crave the relaxation. I am dreading the thought of having to start a quit journey again.
I started chewing nicotine gum when I met a friend who smokes heavily , and I was having cravings while we were hanging out all the time. So I figured if I chew some gum that will get rid of the craving. He doesn't think it's a big deal because at least it's just nicotine gum and not cigarettes.
I know I can quit , and I want to but other times I don't want to quit. After a few days of not chewing I will have a craving when I am stressed and have withdrawal. It's hard to tell myself not to chew and think about something else.
It's bad for me to chew nicotine gum because it burns my throat and it's tingly, it's bad for my teeth , my jaw hurts from chewing. It gives me a headache, makes me feel a little sick.
Maybe I am strange for this strange addiction.