karen, quit coach
70 posts
09 Nov 2022
29 Oct 2023
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Hi malik and quitfriend,
Welcome to the Smokers Helpline Community Forum, I am so glad that you have found your way here!
Congratulations to you both for taking the steps to make some changes with your smoking. Quitting is the best thing that you can do for your health.
It takes more than just motivation alone to quit successfully. Tools, resources and support are also important. People who can anticipate some of the more challenging parts of the journey, whether it be dealing with cravings or symptoms of withdrawal and who have some strategies in place, are generally more successful with quitting.
Quit coaches are there for you, whether you feel overwhelmed or you're celebrating a success. They are also great sources of information regarding quitting smoking if you have questions or need assistance building a quit plan.
The services are free and confidential. No matter where you live in Canada, give them a call, they'll be happy to chat with you! Click below on your province or territory for details about the tools and resources that are available. Alternatively, you can call the Pan-Canadian quit line number at 1-866-366-3667.
I would also like to share this link to a booklet which you can use to help plan your quit: One Step at a Time: You Can Quit | Canadian Cancer Society
I hope you find these resources helpful.
Warm regards,
Karen, Quit Coach