Forums / Distractions / Hand to Mouth

Hand to Mouth

6 posts, 0 answered
  1. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
    227 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    05 Jun 2019
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    Hello community & good morning!

    Often people who are quitting find they miss the hand-to-mouth act they used to do while smoking.

    Stir sticks, pens & pencils between the fingers can help satisfy the urge to smoke.
    Some client really like to use straws, cut the length of a regular cigarette, because you can draw air through it.

    What other tips & strategies can you suggest for those looking to still mimic the hand-to-mouth action but not smoke?
  2. hazel white
    hazel white avatar
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    05 Oct 2022 in reply to sarah, quit coach
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    I am in the process of quitting and I use an aromatherapy inhaler by fum.  It works really well for hand to mouth fix.  The flavours are nice I like lemon berry bliss and chai.  The fum is in the shape of a mini cigar so you can hold it between your fingers like a cigarette.
  3. hazel white
    hazel white avatar
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    Sorry I should mention there’s no smoke so you’re not hurting your lungs!
  4. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    Excellent idea, hazel, thanks for sharing! I like the last part that you added especially -- no damage to the lungs with aromatherapy! Nice that you are finding good ways to switch things up, must be a good confidence booster! 
  5. gary13
    gary13 avatar
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    I found that a small ziploc bag with carrot slices or celery helps me with the mechanical aspects and staying away from places I smoked also helps me not be reminded. 
  6. karen, quit coach
    karen, quit coach avatar
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    09 Nov 2022
    04 Jun 2023 in reply to gary13
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    Hi gary13,

    Sounds like you have found some strategies that are working well for you! Crunchy veggies are a great snack that help with the hand to mouth movement. Avoiding those places where you may be tempted is another good strategy to keep yourself on track. Out of sight, out of mind...always a safe bet!
6 posts, 0 answered