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Quitting smoking has changed my life…

8 posts, 0 answered
  1. linda, quit coach
    linda, quit coach avatar
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    People often said that when we smoke, we tend to have a different mindset. Once we quit, we are surprised at the changes in attitude, the way we think and act and how we view life in general. When we quit, we take back control of our life, win our freedom, our health and a lot of good things along the way. What is the biggest change or positive transformation have you experienced since you quit smoking?
  2. turningpoint
    turningpoint avatar
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    A very interesting observation that when we smoke/don't smoke, we have different mindsets.  I think that when we move from smoking to non-smoking, that both reflects and further promotes the new mindset.  I do notice positive transformation in several areas when I don't smoke - the greatest of these I think is the shift towards a much more positive attitude toward myself and hence other people.
  3. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    I gained some confidence in myself when I quit, because I no longer worry about whether my breath, clothes or body smells like smoke.  So I am not worried about inadvertently turning people off because of the way I smell.  And mentally I feel lighter, because I felt increasingly guilty about smoking for so many reasons.  It was really a huge burden that I no longer carry around.
  4. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    I like that word that Linda and turningpoint both used: transformation. There's a hint of magic in it -- presto, chango! -- though we know that quitting smoking, magical though it may be, also entails a lot of hard work!

    I'm happy to see what a positive transformation this has been for both of you. "A more positive attitude" for turningpoint, and getting rid of a huge burden of guilt for treepeo.

    I'd love to hear from others: what changes have you found from quitting? Were there surprises, or were the changes expected?

    And a follow-up question for those who are gearing up to quit: what are the changes you hope to see?  

  5. cec57
    cec57 avatar
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    06 Nov 2018 in reply to treepeo
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    thanks for your honesty thats exactly how i feel didnt think other smokers felt this way this is day one for me so thanks for sharing it reinforces my feelings and want to quit smoking
  6. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    I quickly realized a new found freedom.  No longer was the nicotine controlling my actions and thoughts.  Reflecting back, it's amazing how much time and effort I put into smoking.  I now have clearer thoughts and more time.
  7. shazzan
    shazzan avatar
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    I am hoping to feel healthier and liberated when i achieve kicking the habit to the curb.  Not only do i have motivation for myself, but i will have a better understanding of what my daughter went through to kick the cocaine addiction.  And what both of us will go through to keep addiction at bay.I will no longer feel like a hyprocrite. I have always thought myself in control and strong, my daughter even more so, and  if she can kick an addiction, then so can I. 
  8. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    12 Nov 2018 in reply to shazzan
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    Thank you for your thoughtful replies, one and all.

    Cec57, it's nice to have reinforcement and to know that others feel the same, right? That's one nice thing about a forum like this, finding things in common.

    Efreeman75, thank you for sharing about your feeling of freedom after quitting. This changed your life in such a positive way!

    And shazzan, feeling healthier, liberated, and gaining a better understanding for you and your daughter. Fantastic objectives, and well worth striving for. Thank you.
    Last modified on 12 Nov 2018 15:26 by efram, quit coach
8 posts, 0 answered