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Walk or Run to Quit is back! Join anywhere in Canada

5 posts, 0 answered
  1. grace, quit coach
    grace, quit coach avatar
    22 posts
    13 Jun 2019
    11 Aug 2019
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    Getting out for walks or other simple exercise when your quitting can be an excellent way to ensure your long-term success with your quit. That's why we've established the Walk or Run to Quit program through the Running Room across Canada. This fall you can participate virtually in the 10-week program starting September 16 by visiting

    Has anyone taken up running or gotten back into another kind of exercise as part of their quit? What worked for you?

  2. atp
    atp avatar
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    14 Aug 2019 in reply to grace, quit coach
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    When I decided to quit I never really thought past the act of quitting. Once I was into my quit though I realized that I was making a big change to my lifestyle as well. I started to eat healthier and exercise more - partly to work off some weight gain from quitting, but partly because I just started to feel better and think about my health more. 

    Before I quit I used to get winded just going up a flight of stairs, or i would be coughing and hacking by doing the slightest physical exertions. I started running to get back into some kind of shape. I amazed myself at my improved lung capacity and stamina right from the start.

    I also started to ride my bike more - since quitting I've gone for rides in Kingston, Gananoque, Niagara on the Lake, and Ottawa. 

    I'm not some superfit guy. Just an average over 50 guy that is starting to enjoy the benefits of not being a smoker anymore. 

  3. grace, quit coach
    grace, quit coach avatar
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    20 Aug 2019 in reply to atp
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    Hi atp,

    It's amazing how much making one positive change for yourself creates a chain reaction in other areas of your health and well-being isn't it? Like unclogging yourself somehow. I'm all about the simple exercises that get you outside and moving like biking, hiking and running. No need to get a gym membership or go to a class to get the positive effects of exercise.

    Thanks for sharing,

  4. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi Grace,

    You are absolutely right.  So often, when we quit smoking it leads to healthier choices in other areas of our lives.

    I currently have some health issues that prevent me from running or really exerting myself in any way.  However, last Christmas I bought myself a Fitbit, and I wear it every day.  What I was most interested in was tracking how many steps I take each day.  I find that my Fitbit motivates me to get moving, even when I don't particularly feel like it.  After I quit smoking, I decided to work on being more active, because for the first time in years, I actually had enough breath to do things like climb a flight of stairs without gasping for air.  You don't have to become an athlete or anything.  It's the little things, like walking a little longer, that make a difference.  And I wouldn't have even considered that if I hadn't quit smoking. 

    Quitting smoking was the best decision I have ever made.
  5. elke, quit coach
    elke, quit coach avatar
    21 posts
    14 Jun 2019
    21 Aug 2019 in reply to treepeo
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    Hi treepeo, 

    I like how quitting smoking has allowed to start walking more and that the Fitbit is helping you to stay motivated. You are absolutely right, it is not about the breaking records, but more about a continuous commitment to you and your health!

    Glad to hear that quitting led you to a healthier lifestyle!
5 posts, 0 answered