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Back Again With a Brand New Quit

106 posts, 0 answered
  1. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    Wow has it really been a month? I am still smoke free and some days are easier than others. My landlady is still in the hospital and by the looks of things she isn't coming home so looks like I am moving again just not sure when. I also have a Uncle or more a close family friend who has been hospitalized and we are waiting to hear more info on what is going on with him.
    I have been riding everyday and doing some walking so this is all good. The Breathe Easier program for me is winding down or at least the NRT part is. I made a couple of calls to get NRT support and looks like they are only taking smokers and changing it to once a year instead of every 6 months. I am still on step 2 patches so that is a little concerning but I am choosing to believe that when I finish in 4 weeks I will either be off patches and spray or at least just on the occasional spray. I have had a couple of days that either the patch has completely fallen off or I forgot to put one on because of sudden changes to my schedule. That is my #BrandNewPlan. Have a great smoke free day everyone. I have my final fitness test this morning for the Energized program and a couple of rides leading up to Gregs Ride on Sunday.
  2. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
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    Congratulations to you Manderson4 on your success being smoke-free!  Being as active as you are biking and walking is no doubt helping you in your quit journey.  Have a great time on your ride on Sunday.  Sorry to hear about your close family friend, hoping that all will be well with them.  

    Looking forward to hearing more about how you are doing.   

    Best Wishes,

  3. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi manderson4,

    I continue to root for you.  Way to go for staying smoke free, despite all of the challenges and stress in your life.  It just goes to show that you have a lot of inner strength and courage, and I really admire that.

    Happy riding!
  4. merline, quit coach
    merline, quit coach avatar
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    24 Sep 2018 in reply to treepeo
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    Hi manderson4,

    Congratulations for staying smoke free!

    It's good to see that you do not let challenges or any stress slow you down in your journey. It proves that you are very determined to remain smoke-free.

    Please manderson4 don't forget to reward yourself for all the efforts that you are doing every day in order to remain smoke-free because remain smoke-free is not easy.

    I admire your great effort and the joyful spirit!
  5. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    So after absolutely stressing out about the NRT part of my program ending in 3 weeks and not being on step 3 patches yet, changing my way and goal. On Sunday I took part in Greg's Ride rode a grand total of 34.2 miles or 55 km which seemed like mostly up hill I didn't put on a patch that day. Had my spray though. And I made it through the day. I did have a craving once I got home but I think it was more I was hungry and exhausted. I had made some chicken curry and had it in the crock pot when I got home. Again planning and a warm bath was exactly what I needed. 
    I went to the second last energized appointment and though I did meet my original goal of losing 30 pounds I did losing 15 and my A1C is down below 7. And my fitness level has increased so that is a plus. Oh and I didn't wear a patch so that was 2 days in a row without one. This quitting smoking gets easier each day and distractions are the best way. Off to another medical appointment so have a great smoke free day everyone.

  6. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Good news all around manderson4.  Way to go!!!
  7. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    So yesterday was a fun day. I went to my final cooking group and then had less than an hour break between the next group. The land ladys sister showed up just as I was leaving and wanted to chat almost making me late for the first appointment of the afternoon I was out of spray and wearing a patch but getting a little stressed. Got settled down and just made it on time. So the first thing was Acu-Detox which is a form of acupuncture and was great for reducing my stress. I have found that speaking out to friends, coaches and neighbours is great for keeping myself accountable so during breathe easier I said my plan was to be off NRT other than maybe spray in 3 weeks and that I was stepping down to the 7mg patches. I was a little high strung lastnight so ended up going for a couple of walks but once I fell asleep I slept great. So I got up this morning put on my new patch and did some running around. I didn't take my spray with me but I had a pair of gloves on and my sharpie so that made it easy not to think about smoking. I ended up having a couple of white knuckle moments including a old friend offering me a cigarette and saying one wont heard me. At that moment I made up some small tale about getting some meat in the freezer and left. All in all today was a great day. I have a couple of rides over the weekend and coffee meetings with some people that very supportive of my quitting and helping me plan a ride for my birthday later in October.
  8. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi manderson4,

    Don't make light of what you did.  An old friend offered you a smoke and said one wouldn't hurt, but you came up with a way to say no.  Way to go, my friend!  That took smarts on your part, determination and courage!  You should feel really proud of yourself.  You stuck to the motto we have to live by, NOPE, Not One Puff Ever.  You resisted temptation.  It's hard to fight our old ways, especially when we are with someone we used to smoke with all the time.  But you did it.  Wow, manderson4, give yourself some credit.  You did good, really good.  I am so happy for you!  Keep the quit, my friend.  It's worth it.
  9. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    Treepeo what went through my mind was "I am a puff away from 3 packs a day" This quit has been the hardest one and I don't want to start over again.

    So full blown anxiety set in lastnight when I was getting ready for bed. It was raining and I have a meet the candidates ride set up for this morning. I am one of the organizers and hosts and we didn't have a plan B. So I grabbed my spray, put on a deep sleep meditation track, and focused on something else. I got up this morning looked out the window and the sun was coming up. I am a little anxious about meeting new people but I am choosing to think that these are my neighbours and possibly friends I haven't met yet. After Greg's Ride last weekend one of the organizers who lives on my street stopped by with a couple of home made donuts just to make sure I was ok, and we rode to a meeting on Monday night together.
  10. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    So stressful and anxiety filled few days. The lady that owns the house I am renting a room in is dying. The family was told on Sunday that she wouldn't last through the day, and I was told that I would have to move sooner than later. I was told this after I payed my rent. So I went into full panic and stress mode. Through this quitting journey and especially after the fire I have made contacts in different social agencies and city councilors and candidates so I reached out and have been walking that line and following advice that I have been given. I don't think I have ever spent as much time on the phone as I did yesterday and today. The landlady is still holding on and I just talked to the son and he put my mind at ease a bit. It looks like the sun is trying come out so I am hoping to get out for a bit of a bike ride today. I went for a 2 km yesterday and it is nice having that choice. It is something I couldn't have done before.
  11. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    When it rains it pours it seems. I had one of those days. It started out really good I went for a walk in the morning between rain drops and bought another bike (shhh don't tell no one) then did a few things around the house like laundry. The lady that owns the house passed away on Wednesday so I have been dealing a lot with the family and getting conflicting stories from them and was told by the Son to ignore 95% of what they say. Then lastnight I decided to go for a bike ride, I normally take my phone to track my miles and between phone calls, texts, messenger and anything else it was not an enjoyable ride. Yesterday was also the first time in a couple of weeksI didn't wear a patch. Oh and I ran out of spray so it was a good thing I was in Walmart. Today I have a patch on and stocked up on spray and have my phone set to priority calls. I am planning a big ride to celebrate finishing the six month breathe easier program and my birthday in a couple of weeks. 

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.
  12. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi manderson4,

    Sorry to hear that it's been a challenging time for you, but congrats on staying smoke free through it all. Good to see that you have patches and some spray should you need it.

    A big ride, what a great plan to celebrate the finishing of the program and you're birthday. Look forward to hearing how it goes.

    Happy Thanksgiving,
  13. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    And a Happy Thanksgiving to you too manderson.  And congratulations on staying smoke free with all those challenges you are currently facing.  You are a very strong person.

    I have to share a story with you.  This morning I went for a bike ride.  I live outside of town, and face a huge hill across the river to get into 'civilization' (i.e. Tim's).  Today, without realizing, I biked up the entire hill and wasn't even puffing or coughing up any internal organs!

    Isn't being a non-smoker awesome!!!!

  14. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    Well Hello my favourite bunch of quitters.

    A little life update. I went through a month of torture. I had the daunting task of trying to find a new place to live because I had to move by today. I searched kijiji, the local papers, Facebook marketplace and it was torture. People would say to respond by Text or email and then wouldn't respond. I had 3 possible places fall through in a 24 hour period. Then I struck almost gold. I found a place, payed a months rent and moved in yesterday. While planning the move my phone completely died so that added to stress over the last week but I got a old one up and running in time for the move. One of the guys that helped me move works with the company that helped after the fire almost 2 years ago and he asked if I wanted a cigar. I told him that I am not at that point where I could smoke one yet. And he tried his hardest to talk me into one.
    I have been pretty much patch free for 8 weeks, I do have a few around just for extremely stressful days. And I keep a Nicorette spray around for emergency's. I got the email from Smokers Helpline on Monday for my 6 month Anniversary. It has been a tough journey and I am now thinking I don't want to start over. Sorry for not being around as much but life took over and I will try and check in more often. I am still going to the stop smoking group for support and to offer support.
  15. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    01 Dec 2018 in reply to manderson4
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    Hi Manderson

    way to cop with the stress, you did it is all about to try! Congrats! Keep the good work!
  16. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi manderson4,

    Moving is extremely stressful so I understand what you were going through.  But you made it, and now it is time to settle in.

    Congratulations on your 6 months smoke free!  That is amazing.  And good for you for telling that guy you didn't want a cigar.  It was so wrong of him to keep pushing you.  But some people just don't get how hard we have to work to quit and to keep the quit.  One of my friends had been smoke free for 4 years.  At a party, some people lit up cigars and she decided to join them.  And that was it.  She went right back to smoking.  So see, we have to live by N.O.P.E. Not One Puff Ever.  Smoking is a terribly strong addiction, and our only hope is to avoid it at all costs.

    You are doing a great job, manderson4.  And you are right.  You don't want to have to start all over again.  You have worked too hard to get to this point.  Enjoy your bike rides and breathe easy, my friend.  We are all rooting for you!
  17. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
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    What a test you went through but you passed it with flying colours!
    I agree with brieffree and treepeo. You are doing a great job. Congratulations!!

    The community knows how busy life can get, whenever you can give us an update, we are here.


  18. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    What a whirlwind the last 7 months have been. I even got a part time job for the summer  and then things slipped away. I was smoking just in the morning with a couple of neighbours. I signed up for the trial offer from Smokers Helpline (which I got on Tuesday) and decided to quit again Wednesday. I contacted the Quit smoking group leader Wednesday Afternoon and started the group again on Thursday. I am vaping but not as much. The friend I was drinking coffee and smoking with knows I am committed to quitting and knows not to offer me a cigarette. So I am back on patches and after the 2 in the trial offer I switched to Step 2's. 
    I received some news about my diabetic foot care that even though my score this time was lower I have lost more feeling in my feet which can be related to my Spina Bifida. So we set some goals for continued weight loss and being smoke free. Which includes riding my bike. Anyway Onward and Upward. 
  19. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    Day 10 this week hasn't been without challenges but mostly because I've been around smokers. Some people are really understanding when I leave them outside or don't go outside with them when I am smoking. Last year when I did Gregs Ride I had one hill that really gave me trouble so I have decided to ride it a few times leading up to the ride, I feel better each time I do it. Still on Step 2 and will take it slow with them. Have a great Saturday everyone, stay cool and hydrated.
  20. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    Hello manderson4 - thank you so much for your update this week...i really enjoy reading your thread, and we appreciate you letting us know how you're doing :)
    Congrats on getting back on track with your quit, making new goals for your health & wellbeing, and your new part time job! awesome! You are so aware of your support needs, which includes speaking up to others around you who smoke, and letting them know you're quit - that accountability is powerful & valuable! 
    Glad to hear the free Combination Therapy Trial Pack arrived (for others interested and who have not yet rec'd one, you can sign up for yours at the top right hand corner of the page marked "trial offer") and that you have some NRT to hold you over and protect your quit....the contact with the quit smoking group shows this is important to you. Keep up your fantastic positive attitude manderson4, and we all wish you the very best, taking it day by day.
    Warm regards
  21. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    Day 14 has been a little uneventful went for what started out as a small ride and ended up being 22 miles darn I love it when the mornings are a little bit cooler. Lost my sunglasses in the canal though so I guess my reward for 2 weeks smoke free was a new pair of sunglasses and some thrive lozenges. I have a short ride scheduled for later today so just getting caught up on some emails and wrestling. Stay cool and hydrated.
  22. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    You know what really sucks, waking up at 3 am craving a cigarette when rolling over and trying to get back to sleep didn't work I grabbed a glass of water, and a lozenge then played a couple of video games. What made it worse though was the kid in the room beside me went outside for a smoke and left the door open. Anyway a busy day ahead got to fit in a ride then the stop smoking group. Have a great smoke free day everyone.
  23. nadia b, quit coach
    nadia b, quit coach avatar
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    Way to go maderson4!! You are really working through those obstacles. You stayed strong with all those temptations. I love  your determination with taking it one day at a time. You make bike riding a priority and get all those other important things done throughout the day.

    If you haven't done so already, remember to register for the First Week Challenge Contest!  (

    Keep sending us those updates!! We are cheering you on.

    Nadia B, 
  24. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    Wow another weird night it wasn't so much a craving but a dream of smoking. Woke up kinda early so I took advantage and went for a bike ride. I did the first part of the 80 km route of Gregs Ride which is mostly up hill and I wouldn't get a chance to do it on Wednesday to Celebrate 21 days. Depending on how I feel and how tired I am I might go check out a couple of acts ar Festival of Friends.
  25. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi manderson4

    Way to go! you can do it!
  26. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    Had kind of a slow week with the riding, they call it recovery but I have been just as busy. Yesterdays stop smoking group was 22 days smoke free and after some back and forth with my quit coach we decided to step down to Step 3 patches with the condition that if I need to I can double up. The goal of the program is to be smoke free and off of nrt in 6 months so I want to try and hold the spirit of this. While quitting smoking is never easy this has been my easiest quit attempt and I believe it is because of the ongoing support and the people I have chosen to share it with are more supportive then in the past. Have a wheelie good smoke free day.
  27. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Manderson

    As you said, this time could be your time to quit for good! You have learn how to prepare and what to do when the cravings comes.
    Give your self a chance to charge the Batteries of your positive thinking. And enjoy everyday day you are free!
    The Victory is yours!

    One day at the time! 
  28. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    What a week, it seems to have gone by so fast. From Fri to Sunday last week I went with just a step 3 patch. But I vaped quite a bit. And on Sunday I was faced with choice either by some cartridges for my vape or some nicotine spray. So I went for a ride and bought the spray. And on Monday I quit vaping. I miss it especially when I am around smokers but I think it is the best choice for me. Earlier this week I was appointed to the local Bike Share Board and attended my first meeting, then the next day I got to ride the adaptive Trike for them to a event. I have a busy couple of days and then I will try the single step  patch again. As of today its 30 days smoke free and as my reward next week when I get paid for my summer job I will be rewarding myself with a new to me bike. Have a great smoke free day/week/month and remember it gets easier with each cigarette you don't smoke.
    Last modified on 16 Aug 2019 07:53 by manderson4
  29. linda, quit coach
    linda, quit coach avatar
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    Hi manderson4, 

    Congratulations on your success! You have now over 30 smoke-free days behind you – Way to go! It’s awesome! We are so happy for you! 

    You have such a great awareness about yourself. With this great plan and all those creative ideas and strategies, we believe that you will keep going strong and continued success! 

    Manderson4, you have worked very hard to get to this point and we really like your idea to reward yourself. Using a reward to celebrate your hard work and accomplishment is a great way to boost your motivation. 

    We are thrilled for you and thank you for sharing your journey with us! 
  30. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    So since Saturday I had regular cravings or memories of smoking and it bothered me part of it was being sick and also straining a muscle. I don't want to start over this time. Wednesday I went for a ride just with the purpose of bike window shopping saw a bike I like and when I get my honorarium from this summer I will get it.
    I am not sure if the cravings were because of the step down in patches or that I was missing vaping. So I started vaping and yes I know I gotta quit but I just don't think I was ready to stop it.
    Anyway day 38 on my way out for another day of outreach have a great smoke free day everyone. 
106 posts, 0 answered