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What is going on?

7 posts, 0 answered
  1. valleygirl
    valleygirl avatar
    3 posts
    09 Dec 2021
    09 Dec 2021
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    I am 62 yrs old and quit smoking 11 days ago. I am doing this mostly cold turkey but have some Nicorette gum for the stronger urges. It is very challenging. I am very emotional and can’t understand why. Has anybody else experienced this side effect?
  2. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    09 Dec 2021 in reply to valleygirl
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    Hi Valleygirl,

    Welcome to Smokers' Helpline and congratulations on quitting 11 days!

    Regarding your question about being emotional, yes, it is a normal withdrawal symptom. Most of these symptoms are caused by nicotine leaving the body, but some of it may also be psychological as you adjust to not smoking. Withdrawal symptoms can be thought as 'recovery symptoms' as your mind and body repair themselves. Please take this time to care for yourself and get support if need be. We are glad you reached out.


    Jenna Lee

  3. valleygirl
    valleygirl avatar
    3 posts
    09 Dec 2021
    09 Dec 2021 in reply to jenna lee, quit coach
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    Thank you Jenna lee. Makes sense. 
  4. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    09 Dec 2021
    13 Dec 2021
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    I get emotionally on and off as well... last time was waiting in line to pay for my lunch. felt like crying all of a sudden and no idea why... our bodies must be in shock with all the extra new oxygen levels its getting and none of the poison we inflicted on it for years. Im sorry i didnt quit sooner...
  5. valleygirl
    valleygirl avatar
    3 posts
    09 Dec 2021
    17 Dec 2021 in reply to dublinguy
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    Hi dublinguy. Thanks for your comment. It sounds funny but it’s sooo real. I am 3 weeks non-smoking now and my emotions have settled. It was so weird crying for unknown reasons. Lol
  6. wandam
    wandam avatar
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    18 Dec 2021
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    Hi valleygirl, 

    Welcome to our little community & huge congratulations on being 3 weeks smoke free! Quitting is hard work & you will experience many changes along way, both negative and positive, but so worth it when the positive out weighs the negative! Keep up the great work! 
    Last modified on 18 Dec 2021 22:03 by wandam
  7. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
    379 posts
    09 Dec 2021
    04 Jan 2022
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    Hey Valley Girl... hows it all going? Im finding the wanting to cry feeling has gone away.... along with the horrible heart burn and the burning lungs. No way in hell am I gonna give up this quit to have to go through that again. 
7 posts, 0 answered