Forums / The day to day / 3 weeks on Jan 22 2019!!!!!

3 weeks on Jan 22 2019!!!!!

14 posts, 0 answered
  1. atp
    atp avatar
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    January 22 will be 3 weeks smoke free for me!!!!

    As the days pass it feels better and better not smoking. 

    I am so glad that I finally pushed myself to quit and this time so far I have resisted taking a drag or having a smoke (my main failure in past quits was thinking it would be only one smoke and it would just calm me down - and one led to two, and so on...). 

    After all the anxiety and trials of withdrawal in the first week the past two weeks have been a steady improvement in my feelings, mood and overall outlook. 

    I'm still working on my quit every day, but I am starting to look forward to calling myself a non-smoker eventually. 
  2. Val H
    Val H avatar
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    Congratulations atp on three weeks! Way to go!
  3. nadia b, quit coach
    nadia b, quit coach avatar
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    Hi atp - huge congratulations on all the work you have gone through to be so successful in your quit. Not only have you done a tremendous job on your quit, but you have been such a positive member in our community sharing messages with other members. We are so happy to have you share your quit journey with us and others around you. Keep up the amazing work and positive spirit - it is shinning through with no smoke getting in the way!

  4. atp
    atp avatar
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    Nadia B,

    As the old saying goes - if you take a little, be sure to give a little back. 

    My posting in this community was a key part of my quit strategy. Being able to write out what I was going through, getting supportive feedback, and knowing I was not the only one going through quitting made a big difference for me. Spent a lot of time reading past posts which also helped. It also helps being able to help others, it actually reinforces in me the resolve to keep my quit going. 
  5. mari_m
    mari_m avatar
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    23 Jan 2019 in reply to atp
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    Way to go atp, congrats to you on all your hard work to come this far on this oh so challenging journey. I sure have had some tough moments, but this time quitting I am determined it to be the last quit! So I read everything I can and tried to prepare myself for those times, and have found so much helpful info and tips. And even the small rewards are so important. So give yourself a well deserved pat on the back! And Happy Weedless Wednesday to all, wishing everyone a successful journey to being a nonsmoker -m
  6. atp
    atp avatar
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    24 Jan 2019 in reply to mari_m
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    Thanks mari_m!

    Yesterday was a tough day for me. Spent a lot of the day struggling with emotions related to the quit. Realizing that i'm not going to smoke again. Yearning for that 'one good smoke' - dumb I know but its that habit/routine screaming out at me. 
  7. butterflyna
    butterflyna avatar
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    Congratulations atp!!!! I am so happy for you. I can only pray I reach where you are!! You have helped me and I very grateful for that. One day at a time, sometimes one minute. However you've done it you should be so proud! Wtg! :)
  8. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    what you are going through is so normal. If it helps, try thinking in the short term vs. big picture/ the long run. 'I am not going to smoke for this craving' 'I am not going to smoke for this minute' 'this hour' 'this day'....

    The longer you stay smoke-free, the more confident you will get. Focus on the benefits and reasons for quitting, I am sure they outweigh the nostalgia of enjoying smoking for you.


    Jenna Lee
  9. butterflyna
    butterflyna avatar
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    Hi atp,

    That is so inspiring!!! I am only starting my 3rd day and know what you mean about the first week (UGH!) but each day turns into another smoke free and soon I can be where you are. Thanks so much for sharing!!!

  10. turningpoint
    turningpoint avatar
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    Hi All,

    In addition to focusing on my reasons for quitting, I'm also pondering my reasons for wanting to live.
  11. atp
    atp avatar
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    Glad to see you are still working on your quit. 

    As for reasons for wanting to live...I really hope you will call someone, either from SHL, or any other helpline to discuss what you're feeling. 

    Please post back to let us know how you're doing. 
  12. turningpoint
    turningpoint avatar
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    Thanks for your concern, atp.  I didn't mean to raise the alarm - I'm not in a dark mood at all!  In fact, I'm watching the Super Bowl.  All I meant was that I know smoking kills, and I'm trying to reinforce my motivation to quit as much as possible.  Sorry if I created misunderstanding.

    I appreciate your support during the quitting process.  I admire your success so far, and wish you all the best.
  13. atp
    atp avatar
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    Glad to hear that. Wasn't sure if I read your earlier post correctly but didn't want to ignore it. 

    Quitting smoking is tough. I'm more than a month quit and still have lots of moments each day where I just think about having a smoke. I keep reminding myself not to do it though. It is hard though. 

    Good luck and hope you find your magic formula for quitting. 
  14. turningpoint
    turningpoint avatar
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    Hello atp,

    Congratulations on your one month plus of being smoke-free!  You seem to have the right attitude and are doing the necessary work.  There is a phrase:  "Says easy and does hard".  So true.

    I continue to be optimistic that I'll eventually make it, so don't worry about me.  I do appreciate your concern though.

    Have a great smoke-free day!

14 posts, 0 answered