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Great Quote about quitting

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  1. atp
    atp avatar
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    Had to share this quote I read on verywellmind:

    we who are quitting are doing it as a matter of choice. It is tough, it is miserable at times, but we have a choice to continue doing damage to ourselves or do everything we can to beat this awful addiction to nicotine.
  2. renee, quitcoach
    renee, quitcoach avatar
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    Hello Adp,

    Great quote! I like how the quote mention's quitting,  " it as a matter of choice".

    Thinking of quitting as your choice is empowering.

    All the best!

  3. wende
    wende avatar
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    I am on the 35th day of being a non-smoker.  Some days are better than others.  Today, I find myself in a rather cranky mood as I fight this addiction.  My quote is screaming at the addiction as I type..." I am in control - not my addiction".  I need a punching bag in the form of a punch out!
  4. atp
    atp avatar
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    I've had those days too. For me it was a major one on about day 30. Just as I'm thinking one month and things are looking up. That addict in my head wanted to show me otherwise. 
  5. wende
    wende avatar
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    Thanks for your response!  I find that into my 30 days, I am struggling more.  It is good to know it isn't just me.  I felt weak and angry.  But, today is day 37 and I have stayed strong.  What a terrible addiction this is.  I pray it gets easier!  Best of luck to you and keep up the good work!
  6. madeleine, quit coach
    madeleine, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Wende and Atp! 

    Congrats on your 37th smoke-free day, Wende! Yes, it is certainly challenging at times, and sometimes it can be tempting to go back, and the quotes we tell ourselves can make all the difference of pulling out from that space. 

    I love the quotes that were shared. Atp, I agree with Renee, the "I have a choice" is so powerful, it puts the responsibility in our hands and puts us in control. Wende the "I am in control" is so powerful, because it's true, you ARE in control, and are constantly taking away the cigarette's power with these great affirmations. 

    What are some other affirmations and quotes that have been useful for people? 

    Thanks everyone! Here's to another smoke-free day! 

    Last modified on 27 Feb 2019 10:37 by madeleine, quit coach
  7. atp
    atp avatar
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    Love the new avatar. Looks cool. 

    I found that after the 30 days the struggle kind of changed. It wasn't so much the physical cravings, but more my mind trying to convince that smoking wasn't so bad. Even this morning, I had the thought that a smoke after shoveling the snow wold be so satisfying. Ugh - the truth is that since I quit i can shovel the drive with ease. I feel 10 years younger because i'm not winded and wheezing for air.

    That addict in my head is trying to convince me and romanticizing that smoking was good. A bunch of crap that I know different, but still the voice is there.....

    The part that gets easier though - feeling, looking and smelling better. My wife sure appreciates it. 
  8. wende
    wende avatar
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    Hey, oh my, I know what you mean.  I still find myself thinking about having the forbidden smoke.  Some of it is pure habit, and other times, it is just out of boredom AND the addiction.  I am happy to say my husband quit yesterday, so that will be a big help.  I knew where he had hidden the smokes and I swear, at times, I could hear one calling my name!  But yes, I too have begun to notice a difference in my health.  Not so much that I am about to run a marathon, but my sense of smell has started to amaze me!  I also no longer have sinus issues every few days!  Sleep is still a struggle, insomnia can get to me. Thank goodness for weekends when I can nap!  I am glad you like the picture.  That was a Lynx who hung out in our back yard.  It was a mom and her two babies.  It was absolutely beautiful!  Stunning animals indeed!  Keep up the great work and stay strong!!!
  9. wandam
    wandam avatar
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    Hi Everyone,

    So appreciate all the sharing, it will be 3 months for me tomorrow & I still struggle once in awhile with being moody, thank goodness my husband has been understanding & puts up with me on my not so good days.
  10. butterflyna
    butterflyna avatar
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    Hi wandam and wende,

    Congrats to you both on your major smoke free times!!! You both are such an inspiration to me! I am only going on my 3rd day (with patches). Feeling somewhat dreamy but good :)
    Isn't it amazing how much supports can help us achieve our goals. God Bless your husband wandam. I can just imagine (knowing myself) how important it would be to have a supportive partner. Am alone now doing this. Probably the best thing lol
    wende, I do love that pic too! Awesome on your smoke free time! I love this site. It has been there for me so many times (multiple quit attempts). You guys go this! Keep up the awesome work!! :)

  11. atp
    atp avatar
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    That is so cool that the lynx was hanging in your backyard. If I'm not mistaken there is some folklore about Lynx sightings provide for great insight. 

    The sinuses, oh my for years I had constant sinus issues and trouble breathing through my nose. That is almost all gone!  

    And congratulate your husband for quitting! You'll both be so much better for it. I must admit, pretty amazing you were able to quit while he kept smoking - that takes determination. 
    Last modified on 03 Mar 2019 06:07 by atp
  12. wende
    wende avatar
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    Hey wandam, congrats on thee months of being smoke-free!  That is excellent!  The struggle is real for sure!  It helps to have an understanding partner!  I am glad in a sense that my hubby and I didn't quit would have been one cranky household!!! Keep strong!
  13. wende
    wende avatar
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    Hi atp!
    That is interesting about the folklore!  I actually wish they would have come back, they were so beautiful!  So you too have struggled with the sinuses?  It is such a relief to have that finally subside and without surgery!!  As for my hubby smoking when I quit - he had to go outside or to his man cave!  I still can't be around a smoker quite yet!
13 posts, 0 answered