Forums / The day to day / I celebrate a brain new quit of NRT

I celebrate a brain new quit of NRT

4 posts, 0 answered
  1. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
    1478 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    01 Jul 2021
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    Hi Everyone

    I like to share that today I am 70 days NRT FREE.
    I like to say Thank you to all for the support in my Journey.  And wish all new quitters the best in  their quit!

    One day at the time! Never give up! 
  2. wandam
    wandam avatar
    241 posts
    05 Feb 2019
    01 Jul 2021 in reply to brieffree
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    Hi brieffree, 

    Congratulations in being 70 days NRT FREE, that’s awesome brieffree! Keep up the great job! 👍 & thank you for your support as well, much appreciated! Take care!
  3. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
    255 posts
    06 Feb 2020
    02 Jul 2021 in reply to brieffree
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    Hi brieffree,

    It is great to hear from you again!  Congrats on your 70 days NRT free!  Yippee!  You should be so proud of yourself.  You are such a hard worker and even though it was hard, you never gave up.  Way to go, brieffree!
  4. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
    296 posts
    02 Apr 2018
    05 Jul 2021
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    Hi Brieffree,
    So good to hear from you again.  And a BIG congratulations on your successful NRT quit.  You continue to inspire!
4 posts, 0 answered