Forums / The day to day / Next june 7 years

Next june 7 years

10 posts, 0 answered
  1. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
    1478 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    01 Jun 2022
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    Hi everyone

    Early celebration! next 7 years smoke free!

    Thank you so much! for all support! to all of you! what a journey!

    One day at the time,  never give up!

    Keep working hard, is so good to be smoke free! 
  2. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
    237 posts
    29 Nov 2017
    01 Jun 2022 in reply to brieffree
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    Brieffree, congratulations on all those years smoke free! it's because you never gave up that you can celebrate this huge accomplishment.

    It's so nice to hear that you are enjoying life as a non-smoker. Here's to many more years smoke free for you. 
  3. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    06 Jun 2022
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    A huge congratulations brieffree, my friend.  You worked so hard at this, and taught so many of us along the way, you deserve nothing but the best.   It is good to be free!!!
  4. optimist
    optimist avatar
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    Congratulations Brieffree!  Great work, and inspiring.  I have to say though that although I find this site helpful, personally I think I'd do a lot better if there were in-person meetings in my area, similar to to AA or something.
  5. aurora
    aurora avatar
    94 posts
    08 Mar 2018
    13 Jun 2022
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    Congrats on this major accomplishment Brieffree!
    you worked hard for this and I agree with you, it is SO good to have kicked the habit. 
  6. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    13 Jun 2022
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    Hi brieffree,

    It is so good to hear from you again!  Congratulations on your 7 years smoke free!  I know what a heavy smoker you used to be, and how hard you worked to quit.  And look at you now.  You did it!  Yay!  I am really happy for you, my friend!  Keep enjoying your smoke free life!
  7. mari_m
    mari_m avatar
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    14 Jun 2022
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    Hi Brieffree, 
        That is great news, congrats to you, Its so inspirational to read about your huge success! It is stories like this that keep me going forward, Thank You!! 
  8. jb63
    jb63 avatar
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    28 Feb 2022
    14 Jun 2022
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    Amazing Brieffree. 7years is something To be really proud of
    It is great reading all the success stories and people always checking in after years of quitting 
  9. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
    379 posts
    09 Dec 2021
    15 Jun 2022
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    Congratulations Brieffee on your 7 years quit. That's amazing. I hope someday to reach that stage.
    You have proved that it can be done and that life is better as a non smoker.
  10. atp
    atp avatar
    501 posts
    31 Dec 2018
    27 Sep 2022
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    I know I am a bit late to post, but congrats on 7 years.

    Your daily posts helped me a lot when I was quitting .
    As they say - I can see further standing on the shoulders of giants.

10 posts, 0 answered