Forums / The day to day / Six years free

Six years free

9 posts, 4 answered
  1. violet56
    violet56 avatar
    6 posts
    26 Dec 2017
    25 Jul 2018
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    My annual celebration of being smoke free is never complete until I come here to share my joy. Six years smoke free and I once again give thanks to the wonderful staff and all the amazing posters that held me up and kept me strong during those early days.  Hey, if I can do it after 40 years with help anyone can :-) 
  2. susanm
    susanm avatar
    71 posts
    16 Jul 2018
    25 Jul 2018
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    Congratulations Violet56 on 6 years smoke free!! I will get there one day. I was a smoker for 48 years. I have now bee smoke free for 6 days. Reading posts like yours give me inspiration to stop forever. Congratulations again!!
  3. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    25 Jul 2018 in reply to violet56
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    Hi Violet56

    Congrats in your success and thank you for sharing, 6 years smoke free is amassing, again Big Hug!  
  4. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
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    25 Jul 2018
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    Hi violet56!

    How lovely to see you on the forum today!!

    Your success is inspiring and you have shared in helping many, many members.

    Congratulations on your 6 years,
    Celebration Time!


  5. smitty
    smitty avatar
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    12 Jul 2018
    25 Jul 2018
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    Hey Violet, well, well, well, long time no see, its so good to see you again on the helpline, congratulations, 6 years, seems that you are doing well, after 8 years, i started smoking again, it took me 2 years to get back here, and I'll be 3 months smokefree on the 4th of August, so what ya been up to, congrats again, wishing you many more
    Last modified on 25 Jul 2018 16:03 by smitty
  6. violet56
    violet56 avatar
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    26 Jul 2018 in reply to susanm
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    Hi susanm - congratulations on 6 days - that is fantastic !!!  I can remember being so amazed at even reaching 24 hours lol. Keep posting here and you have an excellent chance of being successful :-)
  7. violet56
    violet56 avatar
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    26 Jul 2018 in reply to brieffree
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    Hi Brieffree,  thank you so much and I can use all the hugs I can get :-)
  8. violet56
    violet56 avatar
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    26 Jul 2018 in reply to lillian, quit coach
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    Lillian - so wonderful to see you are still here :-)  I will always come back here as I could not have done this without you and the others. I will be eternally grateful <3
  9. violet56
    violet56 avatar
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    26 Dec 2017
    26 Jul 2018 in reply to smitty
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    Awww smitty - I have missed you <3 -  well you know you can do it, you've done it before and you are doing it again.  I still remember the mantra's that kept me going and saved me many times.

    KTQ - Keep the quit

    N.O.P.E.   "Not one puff ever" 

    "You're only a puff away from a pack a day"

    "If I have just one I'll be right back where I started.  Where I started was  desperately wishing I was where I am today" 
    You know you are in the right place to keep your quit :-)
9 posts, 4 answered