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THIRTY DAYS!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. ccwhale
    ccwhale avatar
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    01 Dec 2017
    04 Dec 2017
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    Well, Well, WELL! I made it to thirty days of 100% smoke free! I  am surprised at the lack of cravings and delighted with myself! I used to smoke 25 to 40 cigarettes a day for the last 22 years. I don’t smoke anymore. PERIOD! I Do drink about 160 ounces of ice water through a straw every day. I do chew 2 mg gum and suck on a nic losenge with some impulse. I do distract myself with lots of new activities. What I am really surprised about is that going into this I said “ I am not going to get angry”, and I have not been angry with cravings! My wife and children really appreciate that ! They are also pretty surprised and impressed with my progress. I think the most important thing I did was that I made a promise to myself. Not to anyone else. No one even knew, even me, when I was going to quit. I just did it. Then I promised myself this was it! This is the last time you will ever smoke, I promise. I promised myself, you will do this with strength and determination and you will be happier every day and you will tell everyone that you quit. Maybe this is why I feel this process has been less of a challenge then could have been imagined? I don’t know.
    I do know the process continues. I have faced many other addictions and overcome them as well. This is the last addiction. However, being an addict, I also know I better find a positive one to replace it. Now that 30 days has past, it is time to get addicted to exercise! Tomorrow, I go see my doctor for a physical, and then I walk, then I stretch, then I get a coach. I used to be very fit. An illness took that away and that is when I started to smoke. With the illness long gone, it is time to start doing yoga again. It is time to start a cardio routine. It is time to do some foundation and core exercises. One day at a time. 
    Last modified on 04 Dec 2017 20:30 by ccwhale
  2. lithan44
    lithan44 avatar
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    04 Dec 2017 in reply to ccwhale
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    Wow Ccwhale!!!  I just love the strength and positivity in your post.  Congratulations on reaching 30 days!  Feels sweet, doesn't it?  Quitting for yourself is such a solid reason.  Thank you for sharing your success with us. Keep the Quit. πŸ‘ŠπŸ‘Š
  3. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Howww, what an achievement 30 smokes free days amazing, congrats and congrats square for your determination.
  4. buttingout2014
    buttingout2014 avatar
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    What can I say, but WOW WOW WOW!!!
    Your progress is amazing - and 30 days is absolutely INCREDIBLE!!!
    I'm glad that you've shared your QUIT routine with the group - I'm sure that many of us will benefit from shared experiences and methods!

    I look forward to continuing to follow you through this exciting SMOKE-FREE journey in the days to come!

    Your QUIT buddy, Jim.

  5. clepage
    clepage avatar
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    Hi Cowhale, you being smoke free for thirty days is so amazing.  You showed your strength and positive attitude throughout.  Congratulations!  Carm.
  6. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
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    Hello ccwhale,

    Along with everyone else, congratulating you on your big "30"!!!  You have come a long way, so much to be proud of yourself for.  And you haven't stopped there, exercise to come.  Great strategies you are implementing.  So important to quit for "YOU".  

    Here is to another 30 days to come!  Looking forward to hearing more about your journey.  Also, how your celebrating your success to self and with your family.  


  7. ccwhale
    ccwhale avatar
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    07 Dec 2017
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    Thanks everyone for the support! It really does make a difference. Today I went for a walk and saw my doctor. He was very happy that I have quit and we talked about a balanced approach to exercise. My wife also gave me a nice surprise with a TRX exercise thingy. Hard to explain, google it. That was great too because I can set it up and do a routine anytime and it takes no space. Cravings are less everyday and my mood is still not an issue. I am beginning to think it was the smoking that made me 😑 grumpy! I am looking forward to changing my daily routine to include exercise starting tomorrow. Wish me luck, it’s going to hurt!
  8. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    Dear Ccwhale,

    OMG!  Bravo, I love your inspired attitude.  You've got this confidence thing licked, and are so positive implementing these changes.  That's what it's all about, life changes, behaviour changes, and general outlook changes.  I'm scared sh__less, but this is exactly what I want!
  9. cassandra2310
    cassandra2310 avatar
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    Congratulations!!!!!!! I'm impressed, and proud.  I'm just about 2 weeks in and look forward to experiencing what you are today. Milestone reached!!! Go and celebrate! :) 
  10. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    Congrats CCWhale!!
10 posts, 0 answered