Forums / The day to day / Time to start quitting.

Time to start quitting.

3 posts, 0 answered
  1. tanyat
    tanyat avatar
    14 posts
    02 Mar 2018
    12 Apr 2018
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    Just 3 short hours ago I haven’t anymore cigarettes in my home. I was setting quit date after quit day on here. All my intentions were good but I just couldn’t make myself quit. I am chewing on the nicotine gum right now and I’m feeling like it’s helping. This is not going to be as easy as I thought. I mean I expected difficulty but not like this. Still hoping for the best!
  2. ocean
    ocean avatar
    286 posts
    29 Nov 2017
    12 Apr 2018
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    Way to go Tanya!  3 hours in and you're doing it!  You'll probably be anxious and thinking of it a lot tonight as you're not used to going so long without a cigarette.  But just tell yourself that you're not going to break and that you can handle this tension for another hour.  Don't even begin to think about tomorrow, just stay in the now so you don't overwhelm yourself.  Is there a movie you can watch, grocery shopping to be done, a bath??  Distractions work, but also try and sleep well, eat well, talk to us and others well, and build up those coping skills hour by hour.  It's so true when they say quitting is a process, you learn as you go, and you build up your coping day by day.  It's almost a relief once you start your quit, you'll see.
  3. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
    216 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    12 Apr 2018
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    Hello tanyat,

    You can do it. Ocean has given you some sound experienced advice, distractions, staying in the moment and using proper self care are important tools to help you succeed! Remember to keep up with using the gum and remember to breathe.

    One minute at a time!
3 posts, 0 answered