Forums / The day to day / Tuesday Pledge

Tuesday Pledge

7 posts, 0 answered
  1. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hello everyone

    I proudly take your hand and Pledge to remain smoke free all day and tomorrow too, and I extend my other hand in friendship to support the next Brave Non Smoker in line.

  2. smokefreeinpc
    smokefreeinpc avatar
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    I am feeling strong today! 5 days in to quitting and I want it to be 5 years. First things first get through the day to day. I love that I haven't been coughing as much and all the money I've been saving! 
  3. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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  4. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    Way to go smokefreeinpc - 5 days is an amazing accomplishment! Taking one day at a time is a wise, long-practiced approach that can be very successful...and already you are enjoying the benefits of your quit! Yay!
    Thank you for joining us on our new site and keep up all the awesome work!
  5. Mud Man
    Mud Man avatar
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    I pledge to have nothing to do with this site. "It Stinks". Why can't you people leave a good thing alone. Good Bye it's been nice knowing you on the old site.
  6. Mud Man
    Mud Man avatar
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    I am a long time member of your website and I am begging you to go back to the old website. This site is just not what the people want and I think that I'm speaking for most of the members. I am very upset with these changes and I will no longer be around if we have to deal with this crap. Nothing works and my tablet keeps freezing up on this site. In my opinion I'll explain your site in 2 Words, "Its Crap".

    I put my quit date in and it comes back that I have been smoke free for 1 year. I have been smoke free for over 2 Years. Also where is my quit meter?

    Please go back to the old site. 

    Very Angry and Disappointed 

  7. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
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    30 Nov 2017
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    Hello Mud Man,

    We are listening to your concerns yet as Kyle shared in previous posts this was a necessary move that we had to make.  As time evolves, things will be developed further.  Not sure why your tablet is freezing, you can connect with Kyle to further troubleshoot around this.  Kyle will also be addressing the 1 yr anniversary cap in the forum he is creating that will be up soon.  The short answer is that the milestones further than a year will be captured and be working soon.  Your quit details are available.  Unfortunately not displaying in your posts at this time.  

    Thank you for being so concerned as we know you value this community.  

7 posts, 0 answered