efram, quit coach
244 posts
29 Nov 2017
21 Sep 2018
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Hello mmel,
I don't have any direct experience with this, and agree with efreeman that checking with your doctor or pharmacist would be the place to start -- if you haven't already, that is. Sometimes it helps to get a second opinion as well.
Two things to add:
It may help to ask your healthcare provider about a pill called Zyban, which is also known as Wellbutrin when used as an antidepressant. It can help decrease nicotine cravings and withdrawals and also may lessen the chance of depression due to withdrawals.
And it also may help to discuss potential changes to your Zoloft dosage while quitting, as quitting may cause temporary changes in brain chemistry.
Hope this helps,
Last modified on 21 Sep 2018 10:33 by efram, quit coach