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:) New to Forum; 24 days of Smoke Free Struggle and Success

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  1. laren
    laren avatar
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    Hey Everyone:)

    I'm just 34 years old. Was enjoying smoking as a fancy for almost 10 years, before I realized its Cigarette which is enjoying me. Some how I"m into 24th day of non smoking and I will succeed. But Major symptoms which are killing me & drags me towards cravings these days. I practically lack in the Energy levels, Brain fog, Sleep disturbance, Unable to sit & concentrate for more than 10 minutes, anxious, suddenly over excited about social issues, crimes against women etc.  I'm really confused and not sure where I will be ending up. Cravings killing me and may end up loosing myself.


  2. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Laren

    Welcome to helpline

    Congrats in 1 day smoke free, you can do this!
    Distract your self
    Get buzzy in something
    Drink a lot water
    Do something instead of thinking in smokes

    Again you can do this!
  3. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    I love your attitude: 'I will succeed'. 

    Withdrawals can lead to cravings, but all the ones you listed are very normal. They tend to usually last 2-4 weeks depending on different factors that may include how much you smoked, your physical make-up, etc.

    What is incredible to me is despite these symptoms, you remain smoke-free! Keep up the great work, it will definitely get better and worth it.


    Jenna Lee
  4. suesue
    suesue avatar
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    good morning I am new to this forum....I haven't smoked for 72 hours...I find today I am a bit more anxious.....agitated....I find everything smells bad.....hope this is normal...i'm also sweating a lot and not sleeping...thank you for letting me on this helpline
  5. linda, quit coach
    linda, quit coach avatar
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    Hi suesue,

    Welcome and congratulations on your quit! You have 72 smoke-free hours behind you – it’s awesome! We are so happy for you! You have worked very hard to get to this point, keep moving in this way, you are doing fantastic!

    The first few days of quitting can be difficult. The cravings can be intense, and the withdrawal symptoms can be hard to handle. It seems like you’ve experienced withdrawal symptoms: a bit of anxiety, agitation, sweating and not sleeping. I’m sorry to hear about that…But know that those symptoms are normal after a quit. It just means that your body and mind are adjusting to the change. They are cleaning and repairing themselves. Most of those symptoms are caused by nicotine leaving your body and some may be psychological as you adjust to not smoking. Those symptoms will go away with time, please hang in there.

    Do you use any quit aids such as the patch, the gum or inhaler? These nicotine replacement products (NRT’s) may help to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms. If you are interested about NRT’s, please discuss with a pharmacist or doctor about your options.

    Know that everyone is different, some people prefer to quit cold turkey and others prefer to use some quit aids like NRT’s. Each method has its own qualities that appeal to each person. You can try one approach and then switch to another one if needed.

    You know yourself best and we encourage you to go with what works for you.

    Do you have a plan for the cravings? Many people find helpful to use the 4 D’s:

    Deep breathing will help you relax and focus on something else

    Drink water will help you clean your system and keeps your hands and mouth busy

    Distraction such as go for a walk, play a game, text a friend, go to the gym etc.

    Delay – Cravings don’t last very long, usually about 5 to 10 minutes

    Remember that you are not alone in your quit journey, we are here for you. Call us at 1-877-513-5333 if you have any questions or concerns.

    Laren, congratulations on your success! Keep going strong!

    Take care and wishing you both continued success!

  6. laren
    laren avatar
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    Thank you Coaches!!!

    Finally completed 1 month of smoke free. I still have cravings but very rare and short time less than a few minutes. 

    Only worry is that I got lot of weakness, nervousness etc. Do I need to consult doctor ?? 
  7. jenna c, quit coach
    jenna c, quit coach avatar
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    HI Laren,

    Congrats on completing one month of being smoke free! I am glad to hear the cravings have decreased and not lasting very long when having them.

    It sounds like you may still be experiencing some withdrawal symptoms that may include fatigue
    as your body is still undergoing some detoxification and adjusting to the absence of nicotine, Try to keep moving, eating healthy and drinking a lot of water.

    If this continues certainly contact your health care professional.

    Hope this helps,

    Jenna C (quit coach)
  8. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi laren,

    Congratulations on being one month smoke free!  That is awesome!!!

    Just so you know, I had terrible withdrawal for the whole first month of my quit.  Then things started to get much better.  But we are all different.  For some people, withdrawal lasts a long time, and for other people (the lucky ones!!), it doesn't last long at all.  So I think that what you are feeling is completely normal.  But if you would feel more comfortable talking to your doctor about it, by all means, do so.  If nothing else, your doctor will rejoice in the knowledge that you are quitting smoking, which is one of the most important things you could ever do for yourself.

    This is a major accomplishment, laren, and you should be really proud of yourself.  I hope you do something to celebrate this amazing milestone!
  9. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi suesue,

    I see that I have been a bit slow to respond, so I hope that things are going well for you.

    You will experience lots of different withdrawal symptoms.  All of them are completely normal.  I know that they are not pleasant to go through, but they won't last forever.  And ironically, those withdrawal symptoms are actually telling you that you are doing something right.  You are sparing your body from being bombarded by all of the nasty chemicals and toxins found in cigarette smoke.  Right now, your body is a bit confused.  It's saying, "What's up?"  But soon, your body will begin to thank you.  And then you will feel better than you have in years.

    Keep up the good work, suesue.  Quitting is worth all the effort.  It really is.
  10. laren
    laren avatar
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    Hi! Guys,

    I'm into 56th day, anxiously checking the Quit app in mobile every second for any advantages from non smoking. Eagerly waiting for 2 month mark, where Insulin normalizes.  

    My only worry that, is it normal to get this anxious its been 55 days. Always checking Quit app, what im gaining etc!!???
  11. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Laren

    56 day's  smoke free is amazing job! Is quiet normal feel like that time to time, I am sure you know how to distract yourself from that moment.

    Are you using any Nrt product? that really helps!

    Keep trying, never give up!  
  12. lucy123
    lucy123 avatar
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    Good morning 
    New to Smokers help line 
    14 days today 😊 
  13. kate r, quit coach
    kate r, quit coach avatar
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    Hello laren and lucy123,

    Welcome to Smokers' Helpline! Big congratulations laren on 56 days smoke-free and lucy123 to getting to two weeks smoke-free! Such a great accomplishments. Hope things are going really well for you and your quits.

    laren, it is quite normal to feel that way as brieffree said. It seems as if reaching those milestones and knowing what you're gaining is motivating for you. If you find the anxiety become overwhelming or taking up much of your day, we would encourage you to connect with a healthcare provider. We would recommend using distractions (and NRT if you're using it) as brieffree suggested, too.

    Kate R
    Last modified on 21 May 2019 09:18 by kate r, quit coach
  14. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    Hey laren - big congrats on the 56 days!  Awesome!

    Many of us, myself included, experience varying levels of increased anxiety early in our quits.  Personally, my anxiety peaked from about day 60 to 90.  I got through it by continually finding the joy in things and living in the now.  I also attended a couple of Intro CBT classes at my local health unit.  These things helped a lot, but not as much as experiencing the benefits of not smoking.  You've experienced some of those, and you are about to experience many more.  I am at 455 days quit and still regularly, if not daily, remind myself of how happy I am that I have quit.  It is one of the biggest accomplishments in my life.  Be proud of what you are doing.  There is only positive ahead of you. 

    Apps and a sense of community are great motivators.  I was at a presentation on Friday and the speaker put up a slide with an African proverb - "If you want to go fast, go alone.  If you want to go far, go together."  My thoughts immediately turned to this forum.  We are all here for each other.  Every one of our successes' are to the benefit of us all.

  15. laren
    laren avatar
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    Hi! Coaches,

    Thank you for your support!!

    I'm on to 65th day as of today without smoke!!! Its lovely to be on healthier side & saving few bucks!!! :) ... Never going back even If Death comes!!!

    On the other side of the story, i getting sick day by day, Brain fog, Numbness in the hands, legs & neck! Feels weaker, difficult to sleep since few days!! Is it Normal ???

    I quit for good!! But wanna know these symptoms related to quitting smoking!??
  16. laren
    laren avatar
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    Thank you and love you!!
    Last modified on 30 May 2019 05:02 by laren
  17. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Laren

    Welcome to helpline. Congrats in 65 Days Smoke free!

    Yes, all you feel is just part of your quit! Is totally Normal! Your Body try to Heal it self! As we stay quit, we recover a lot Energy, is a good idea if you go for a walk to distract yourself! or focus in something to get Buzzy. What ever is healthy to you!

    Know you Learn How to deal with the cravings, they will go away by no time!

    Keep the quit! Enjoy to be Free!
  18. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Laren,

    Congrats on your quit!! 65 days is a big accomplishment. 

    When it comes to withdrawal symptoms, different people may experience different things and for different periods of time. It sounds like what your are experiencing is concerning you so i would say it never hurts just to check in with your doctor to get their opinion. 

    Despite the symptoms you're having it's great to see how motivated you are! 

  19. laren
    laren avatar
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    Sure. But what is the specialisation of doctor would be ideal. I'm confused about this.
  20. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Laren,

    If you have a family doctor that may be a great place to start. I'm sure they can provide you with a lot of helpful information and discuss any of your concerns.

    Hope that helps,
  21. laren
    laren avatar
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    Hi! Emily,

    Thanks for your suggestions! Its been 77th day of non smoking!

    I had met my family doctor and followed by Blood tests and visiting specialized doctors. I understood from doctors that I got AutoImmune disease called "Hashimoto Thyroiditis" and under active Thyroid. I'm on medication now. 

    Will see how things go on!

  22. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    Hi Laren - way to go on 77 days.  Awesome!  I trust you're experiencing the benefits of not smoking.

    And as for your Hashimoto diagnosis, you now have some answers to how you've been feeling.  And you can be proud to pronounce that you are a non-smoker to any follow-up doctor appointments, and that smoking is not a hurdle in your treatment.

    Again, congratulations.

  23. laren
    laren avatar
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    Hey! Guys,

    Its been 106 days away from Smoke!!!! feeling great to be away from Smoke.

  24. grace, quit coach
    grace, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Laren,

    Congratulations! Glad you're feeling better now too. Hope you're able to take some time to celebrate your hard work.

  25. atp
    atp avatar
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    Laren that is fantastic that you made it past the first 100 days. I bet it feels good to know that you kicked that smoking addiction to the curb. 

    It took me probably till around month 4 or 5 where I felt comfortable enough to call myself a non-smoker. What a difference in everything since I quit. Hope you start to see things that way too.  
  26. laren
    laren avatar
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    Hey dude! Exactly.... Its awesome to free from smoker & away from Smoking zone. We may miss/ loose few guys as frds.... but its worth a life though!...... I'm eagerly looking for 6 month mark, so that i start marathon!!! 
  27. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi laren,

    Congratulations on being smoke free for over 100 days!  Now you know what it's like to break away from the addiction and enjoy the freedom that comes with being a non-smoker.  And I think it's terrific that you are planning to do a marathon.  You sure are changing your life for the better.  Way to go!!!
  28. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    Big fist bump laren!  The climb to success is definitely less steep after the first 100 days.  Continue to enjoy all the benefits of being smoke-free, you deserve it. 
  29. elke, quit coach
    elke, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Laren, 

    congratulations on being smoke free for over 100 days. Having passed this milestone does significantly increase your chances of staying smoke free. 
    I love how you have already picked your next milestone to conquer, planning for a marathon! Wow!

    Keep up your positive attitude!
  30. laren
    laren avatar
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    129th Day :)
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