efram, quit coach
244 posts
29 Nov 2017
18 Jan 2018
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Hi All,
Nice to see so many creative and healthy ideas!
Decided, an Apple sounds like a perfect distraction. It takes a while to eat, is enjoyable, and keeps the hands and mouth otherwise occupied! I like that you also included the E for Everyone who assists; friends, family, neighbours, co-workers, even friendly strangers can all help, and activities with friends could also work well as distractions. And G for Goat ... I love the stubborn mindset!
Quitfriend, thanks for the reminder for the B, to Breathe deeply! Simple and effective, also a nice way to calm down.
Brieffree, you covered the letter D very well! D is for Distraction; Discussing and Drinking water can help the cravings pass by distracting the brain away from that cigarette thought. Thank you. I also like the S for Strategy to cope with stress. For this I'd like to add another S: Specific! Strategies are even more effective when they include specific ideas, such as Sewing, Singing, Scrapbooking, Showering, Stamp collecting, etc.!
And Ocean, thanks for covering the F and the H! Trying new flavored food and trying new things in general can help while quitting! Keeping yourself amused, thinking of the Funny moments can help to keep the Fear from holding one back. On that topic: there is no way that you can fail, as long as you keep trying. Every attempt is a success because you learn each time. Which brings us to H, for Hope!
I think we skipped C somehow! For me, C is going to be Comic books. Do you have a C to share too?
Thanks all! I look forward to seeing more of your creative distractions!
Last modified on 18 Jan 2018 12:01 by efram, quit coach